I love the picture you chose! Perfect. Thank you for checking and re-checking your work.

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All of this makes sense in the context of the analyses I did on healthy user bias, with deaths of despair added.

The "vaccines" had zero efficacy, and hurt some people. They were also more taken up in healthier/wealthier areas, so we would expect to see, based on that one variable, more excess death in healthier/wealthier counties. However, the correlation remains in order. Why?

Deaths of despair (drugs, alcohol, suicides) increased by 50k per year, give or take, in the U.S., and these skewed toward lower health/wealth communities, which pushes those counties/states up in excess death at a similar rate.

I have been resting lately, but I will try to find a time to mingle our analysis and tell the story.

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Hi Matthew,

I think I fell into some traps with this.

I am still trying to get my head round it but I fear I have overinterpreted.

What if the baseline is off and the difference between the trendline and what the baseline should be is overshadowing the excess?

Ultimately what the correlation would mean is that deaths from causes that are particular to certain months - resp virus / heatwaves - have diminished. That could happen by killing all the frail. It wouldn't necessarily mean there was an additional constant cause.

Finally, I hadn't looked back early enough. 2010 also had very little variation - so there's a precedent.

I will write all this up now.

All the best,


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What the correlations between half years increasing so hard means can be understood this way:

Previously, two states each had their own essentially normal distributions of mortality rates centered around different means. Perhaps A was higher than B some percent, P>50%, of the time. Excess mortality was added to each A and B in a way that scaled the means (roughly equally by proportion) without really changing the standard deviations. The results is that P rises [very quickly].


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Thank you Matthew.

That is very interesting.

I am still concerned about the baseline being the issue though.


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One 't' in Mathew.

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Hi Mathew, (Sorry about spelling)

I have taken a look at deaths of despair.

Deaths that given ICD10 codes of X60-X84 (suicide) and in the broad cateogory of drugs and alcohol causation don't seem to change enough over 2018 to 2023 to account for this.

That is based on CDC wonder data.

Have you seen data showing a significant rise?

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if you check below you will find talking to Mathew is a waste of time because he is such a moron, he can't tell the difference between critical answers on how mRNA harms, and adverts.

im a responsible adult, Clare. this lot are just morons wasting your time.

remember the evil you felt? it's still happening. they are demons, smiling in your face, pretending to care, but just wasting your time.

try communicating science with me . it will be worlds apart.

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"hurt people".

We've been doing this for years.

"the mRNA caused the cytotoxic T cells to attack and destroy the tissues and organs systematically. as told by Dr Clare Craig, Dr John Campbell, Dr Clancy, Bret Weinstein, Marc Giarardot, Dr mark trozzi, Dr Bhakdi, .Dr Arne Burkhart.

but most of all.

by me.

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Weird promotional ad.

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engage your brain you gormless moron. I'm a scientist, not an ad. there are 40 million dead because you morons can't engage your brains. talk basic science. your the problem. not fauci.

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Hi Mathew, been meaning to offer a suggestion and not been that active following substack. If you can stomach his style then the online education system that Jordan Peterson is growing might be able to use your skills. Have a look if it is suitable. Take time for R&R as required.

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Not my cup of tea.

People around him have known of my successes for years and have no interest. It's one of the reasons I doubt their sincerity.

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Yeah, I also think there is a bit too much ego and undeclared agendas but anything on youtube is perforce performance so it is sometimes hard to tell what is over the top for us regular viewers without inside information. The reason I though of this as a potential foot in the door opening for you was a recent video where the progress of their academy was discussed.

The Peterson's said "... we have math ... ... we give all our professors carte blanch ..."

Maybe not an ideal environment but possible means of promotion. Not sure, I just hope that your teaching skills do not get lost to time. Perhaps they would be ready now as it might be in their financial interest.

The academy is discussed from this time stamp for 10 minutes.


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Also interesting on this topic is Ed Dowd's book, "Cause Unknown".

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Dr. Clare Craig

I think maybe that owl is looking at you like that wondering why you are not focusing on the


of the mRNA vaccines


Dr. Clare Craig

You are a



Doc Malik says

“Team Humanity”

We need you Dr. Clare Craig

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Prof Arne Burkhardt

Dr. Ryan Cole

have all said

Stand up

Speak out

We need you for the


along with all the others who KNOW

The mechanism of harm of the mRNA vaccines

“We are the ones we have been looking for”

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