
All of this makes sense in the context of the analyses I did on healthy user bias, with deaths of despair added.

The "vaccines" had zero efficacy, and hurt some people. They were also more taken up in healthier/wealthier areas, so we would expect to see, based on that one variable, more excess death in healthier/wealthier counties. However, the correlation remains in order. Why?

Deaths of despair (drugs, alcohol, suicides) increased by 50k per year, give or take, in the U.S., and these skewed toward lower health/wealth communities, which pushes those counties/states up in excess death at a similar rate.

I have been resting lately, but I will try to find a time to mingle our analysis and tell the story.

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Hi Mathew, been meaning to offer a suggestion and not been that active following substack. If you can stomach his style then the online education system that Jordan Peterson is growing might be able to use your skills. Have a look if it is suitable. Take time for R&R as required.

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Not my cup of tea.

People around him have known of my successes for years and have no interest. It's one of the reasons I doubt their sincerity.

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I love the picture you chose! Perfect. Thank you for checking and re-checking your work.

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