Thanks for this. Inquests are so important. This line in particular:

"The fact the MHRA was making the same arguments as Moderna struck me as perverse."

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Excellent, and impressed by all your efforts. Its unacceptable that narrative believers and government bodies get away with the phrase that serious side effects of the mRNA 'vaccines' are 'rare'. Still this phrase is used to silence the damage that was done.

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You are a hero! Thank you for all your hard work!

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All your ideas are of course excellent. But isn't it at the end of the day a question of ensuring that such agencies are incorruptible? The same applies to other agencies and other countries like the US, Australia, etc.

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To be honest, I don't think that there is the level of corruption claimed for it to account for what happened.

I do not think that stopping the fee based funding and switching to taxpayer funding would solve anything much at all.

The revolving door between regulator and pharma needs to end though.

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This is a century long depopulation Clare. The corruption and agenda are barely hidden.

We had a totally fictional medical emergency. As assault on the world.

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Clare, you are yet another entity in the halls of fame of unsung heroes. unfortunately regulation and responsibility stops at the level of institutions designated for regulation. Ideally it should continue and be honoured by extending to the two important stakeholders the care provider and the care seeker.

In essence there is absence of inclusive role of all stakeholders.

The very term post marketing surveillance does not influence absolute assurance of the efficacy and

safety. Instead it paves way only for relative efficacy/safety and promotes the continuum of market status/ROI.

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Hi Clare

I assert the premise that oxygen fuels our physiology is a fraud. A huge mis-direct that causes immense suffering.

I’ve logically dismissed the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a fraud. My article is titled: We breathe air not oxygen. It’s important we know the difference and why oxygen is poisonous. Oxygen toxicity kills which is why oxygen is a prescribed drug. I say palliative care is not kind because they prescribe oxygen sans humidifiers and these poor people dehydrate from the inside out. Just before their demise you see the mucosa in their mouth and lips and nostrils cracking under the stress of oxygen exposure.

Oxygen is manufactured from air. It’s a product of air not a constituent of air.

A comparison is sugar cane juice. The cane juice is dehydrated to become sugar. Sugar contains 1,000 parts per million of water.

Air is stripped of moisture to become oxygen. Medical oxygen has 67 parts per million of water. Industrial oxygen has 0.5 parts per million of water.

The lungs require air inhaled to be within the range 30-50% humidity.

Oxygen has zero humidity.

The lung alveoli requires the air reaching it to be at 100% humidity. This is dew point or drop point.

Oxygen has zero humidity.

The respiratory mucosa must add the moisture to the inhalation air so it reaches 100% humidity. The mucosa must be fully saturated with salt water to do its job properly.

Oxygen being an artificial SUPER DRY state of air, on release from containment, extracts moisture from its surroundings so it can return to its natural state of moist air. When oxygen is released inside the respiratory tract it is a dehydrator. Oxygen toxicity is directly related to its power to extract moisture.

There is more, what are the lungs doing if they don’t exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide? We are not machines using gases of combustion and exhaust.

The lungs rehydrate the RBCs as they pass through the alveoli capillaries with salt water. Just as an IV saline solution rehydrates RBCs as they pass by in a vein.

Hydration not oxygenation underpins our physiology. Hydration equals SALT plus water.

Restriction of salt causes dryness. Dryness is the beginning of every dis-ease.

Salt is the lead in the dance of hydration. Moisture follows salt into and out of the body.

Every part of our physiology requires moisture or it is compromised. Women require more salt than men because we are built to carry more fluid. We are fluid-full or beauty-full.

Dementia is twice as common in women than men because of salt restriction. Chronic dehydration comprises the brain. The tide goes out leaving plaque exposed.

Read my 3 articles and numerous notes by clicking on my blue icon.

I tip over a few sacred cows, let curiosity walk you through the prickle patches of cognitive dissonance.

Because yes, the criminal class lie about everything. They have controlled education from prep to colleges and curated the knowledge so the established dogma is never challenged.

It’s time we stopped being so easy to fool.

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If anyone can be the David against this MHRA Goliath then Dr Craig you have all the calm courageous reserve and willforce to crack it apart and hit it hard. Your work is the most valuable commodity we have these days when it comes to medical science and justice and truth. Never give up we must bring Goliath down. Yours is the expertise and clear insight and bright intelligence to bring it home. Thank you for everything you do!

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I salute your return, writing here, Dr Clare, much appreciated.

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So I suppose one factor which weighs on the government's mind is the economic benefits that a thriving pharmaceutical industry might provide. It's becoming increasingly challenging to bring a new product (which relieves disease) successfully to market. Best sell medicines (targeted at a bigger market) which prevent disease. Hence the ambition to become an enabler.

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What was Covid?

Did it kill people?

Or was Covid a new Influenza virus!

It would seem that if you subtracted annual Flu deaths from overall deaths, there would be little "Covid" deaths!

Remember that hospitals got extra funding for every patient they said had Covid and more funding if they put that "Covid" patient into ICU.

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I believe MD's should be trained as Naturopathic and Homeopathic medicine where we would not need most Pharma products. But that is unlikely.

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Bring back drug regulation? There was never any regulation.

I can recommend the work of @Katherine Watt @Sasha Latypova and @Dr Mike Yeadon

Important Clair to understand the fraud at the heart of ‘transmission of disease’.

The key facts that must be taken on board are

NO PANDEMIC - not in 2020, not ever, not possible

TOXIC BY DESIGN jabs and ‘treatments’

At this stage nothing is more important than standing against the pseudoscience and lies.

They will try again.

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