Very interesting article.

Referring back to my objection yesterday regarding Boomers, it was more about my resentment that people are put in boxes on the basis of their birth year.

As to God, I still believe, but the Church, in my case the Roman Catholic Church, has gone contrary to some of my beliefs. Condoning the inhumanity over the Covid years and now the NetZero bandwagon feels wrong and political.

We had a new priest in our parish in 2022 and he told me that he thought that the church would go back to house churches, small groups getting together to pray. An interesting thought.

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I agree about labelling - labels only diminish. However, if we want to talk about societal shifts we do need labels. Here's to all the people who defy them!

The comment about house churches fills me with dread. On the one hand it would be freeing but I can't help picturing that happening in a world where formal worship has been banned.

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I don’t think it is about being banned. Rather it would be because the evil practices of the Vatican people will be exposed and so will lose all credibility and respect. God loving Christians may well meet in each other’s homes rather than having Anything to do with the church. I would

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Where I live that would be quite a squeeze!

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Our Church is deeply infiltrated and corrupted from within, as are most Christian denominations. Look up Bells Dodds, and have a look at Taylor Marshall's book "Infiltration". We are blessed with an order of traditional priests who say the old Mass here, but I think, sadly that the persecution is only starting.

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“We will be remembered as the generation that tried to control speech, prioritizing stability over honesty and conformity over courage.”

I couldn’t agree more with that statement.

‘That’ just sums it up, Clare.

The appalling virtue signalling and worshipping of false gods like “climate change”; “net zero”; “lockdowns”; “vaccine passports”;”misinformation and disinformation” bills etc……

All of these ideas are false idols and should be smashed on the altars of the fake temples at which they are worshipped by my generation: ‘x’; and others. We must turn back to the Sacred.

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Well said.

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beautifully and thoughtfully written:

I concur: historically, major civilisations have followed a pattern: battles to gain the lands, territories, establish; a plateau phase of relative peace and prosperity; then moral decline and depravity with a loss of the culture and finally , the civilisation. Western society is in that final phase of moral depravity and decline now: the question is will we recognise it in time and repent ( turn away for it)...

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Great articles thanks, yesterday and today - and let me say I agree completely. I was astonished that so many of my friends and contemporaries (I am gen X) quite blase-ly went along with extreme medical coercion just because they were afraid of losing their jobs.

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Yes - and they still haven't spoken even now!

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So many of them are sick - cancer, myocarditis, chronic fatigue - and most still in denial

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''My last essay, reflecting on the Baby Boomers, sparked a backlash from readers who took the critique personally. There are nearly 200 comments.''

I couldn't comment because if i am being honest it went over my head especially in light of what HAS ACTUALLY transpired since 2020 and has every chance of happening again so i personally have focus on other areas.

Therefore what i'd say is where is the backlash about all of the below folks? This closing statments from an official public inquiry detailing out a mass democide event receives a quarter of the comments in comparison to a post about baby boomers etc. I think this sums up the sorry state of the world and the ''truth/awake/freedom'' moverments in 2024. Happy to consistently way lyrical over ANY other subject just not all this. I despair!

I also noticed there is only 1 article on the HART website vs Scottish COVID inquiry testimony in 12 months, a basic copy/paste from a statement. Author unknown. Wonder what god thinks of that?


Serious question, why no 20+paragraph 2 part assessments on Substack or X about the following Dr.Clare?


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You are right to criticise here.

To be honest - I hadn't even seen that - my bad.

I will write something on it now.

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Thanks. I've never had a 'bad' word to say about you Dr.Clare and you have been one of the very few medical freedom doctors to speak out over Scottish COVID inquiry i just feel more should be done between the members of HART over it all because no one else will or is even capable. I have my own views and it bothers me i can't read other input especialy from medics. I hope you understand my frustrations come from a good place and listening to Hancock recently (more lockdowns=no problem) and how ALL vaccines should be a condition of employment for NHS staff the fight is far from over. The COVID evidence from Scotland is unique as it's first hand accounts and more importantly can and should be used to hold politicians etc ''feet to the fire.''


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No - you were right to call HART out on that. We have dropped the ball - again!

Thanks for all the huge amount of work you have done regarding getting attention on the Scottish Inquiry.

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Well i'm a Scotsman it's what we do and also given HART members have been some of the most vocal against lockdown etc the evidence of Scotland is a treasure trove to push back-the right way. I find it utterly bizarre i've (non medic) had to become the world spokesperson vs an official public inquiry-has no one else the will power to share a view or is it they simply don't care? eg- I must have had to turn down about half a dozen interview requests the past 6 months. When i do the people initially saying how they were interested inquiry are never heard from again. Doc Malik from GLASGOW a prime example. Stuff like this not worthy of promoting more widely? Jeesh! https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/newexclusivelockdown-harms-on-vulnerable

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Another excellent article on this subject Clare. You seem to have kicked a hornet's nest though - or have you upset demons? I guess that is the role given to us in this part of our life, so we better get back to it.

Now, where is the next hornet's nest?

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Thank you Clare

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Nicely written. I didn’t see reference made to the social engineering very deliberately used to shape western society and which is still underway. Unlikely to stop unless we stop it. There we go - my gen X cynicism.

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I did reference it:

"Some wanted to blame external malign forces for the changes. Either way, surely, we should be able to discuss how we as a society have reached the point where the legalisation of doctors killing their patients is being discussed - something unthinkable 50 or 100 years ago (no matter what external forces might have wanted)."

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I hope that you will dig in deep here on the social engineering narrative There is a burgeoning group of professionals who are aware of the layers of mendacious claims made by science, and most especially in the field of virology.

RFKJr wants to slow walk us to the truth..1.he will never do it - he is a cardboard cutout 2.he claims it’s a little like ending slavery, not everyone is for it, so takes time to massage public opinion.

Jamie Andrews is perhaps the lone voice of reason and demonstrates beautifully through his controls project the sleight of hand at the basis of the fraud: PCR and virus for starters.

In science we are dealing with tricksters. No amount of statistics will get to the truth I’m afraid. It’s back to basics.

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I’m sorry you think that Bobby Kennedy can’t succeed. I will say that he is not on his own in this endeavour and there is Much more behind this change than is generally known

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👋 Just making an appearance here in case anyone thought I’d kicked the bucket. Interesting article, thank you. Oz Dave, Boomer

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Glad you're still booming!

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Ha, thank you. The DNA contamination debate by the way is on in Perth WA tomorrow night (Friday night here in Australia): https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02AQrwpfVG9aWv7RLeHQRyPrfK2AGzwcAth1GfpGEuxeDn6HvgLnNMAgpNVL3rbKQal&id=100075870640962

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I heard that Ryan Cole may be doing a Zoom, but I’m not sure. I told Byram Bridle about the debate.

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Clare, some comments are not making onto here. My post this morning had some political reference…. think they are up to their usual tricks to

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Oh dear. How frustrating.

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Actually I had one reply before it disappeared…… I hear this sort of thing happens a lot

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A really through-provoking piece. I only wish I had the wit to absorb it properly. But I do have a thought or two.

I’ve come to believe that 'the answer' is found through self rather than God, and thus it’s a collective of people doing the right thing that must prevail. Throughout the pandemic it has been a collective of individuals doing the wrong thing that got us in a mess. Let’s be open about this, Doctors made choices. Mine did and I was fortunate to remain (relatively) healthy despite his intervention, not because of it. There were some very, very bad individual choices made right throughout our society, those made by people at the top had huge consequences.

I was raised C of E, too young to be consulted, and subsequently confirmed by the Bishop of Lichfield - largely because I was promised a present (bribed, one might say) in the form of a lovely silver I.D. bracelet. Recently I briefly became an atheist for about 3 weeks before ending up a Spiritualist, with a toe in the Buddhist camp. Though not fully fledged by any means, I lean towards the Buddhist way where we each try and find personal wisdom or peace. That all sounds a bit new-age, but I made the choice while walking the dog round a field at 5.00 AM, not sitting in a commune befuddled by illicit substances.

What I don’t need is a deity with a beard telling me how to live, nor do I need the threat of a fiery pit to behave myself. I’d rather self-govern and do my best - take credit for the good stuff while owning the bad. At the end of my earthly time, if I’ve messed up too badly, or have left sufficient enough room for improvement, I might be afforded to chance to come back and have another try.

You write, “People put their faith in themselves and in institutions and government - it couldn’t have been more misplaced.” The latter two for sure but I think it’s OK to embrace autonomy as long as it’s focussed on the collective good as opposed to an individual bank balance or mass murder – both of which we’ve seen.

To me, faith in one God defies logic in that different societies worship different Gods. Different groups within different societies have different codes and different teachings. Expecting us all to unite ‘in’ one God is not going to happen. I don’t think it’s the answer.

Mind you my new spiritualist/Buddhist philosophy is equally unrealistic because there will always be plenty out to profit, morally or materially.

So, what are we left with? Rules and regulations. The trick somehow make be to ensure that the rule-makers are fair and unbiased. Tony Blair’s conversion to Catholicism didn’t prevent him from causing carnage. Even in the name of God there will always be those who disagree and want to fiddle the books.

You make some great points in your essay and I hope I haven’t completely misinterpreted it. The assisted dying bill should not be introduced – there is just too much room for mischief. It could be weaponized as you say, just as the mRNA jabs were (are still being). And would someone becoming ill, or getting to the point of no return, get the same care if an assisted death was just round the corner? Well, there’s wriggle room for sure to save a few quid and free some staff up.

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I think this idea is a dangerous one "I think it’s OK to embrace autonomy as long as it’s focussed on the collective good." That's a lot of the reason we got into a mess in the first place. The Greater Good is synonymous with sacrifice of a minority. The greatest evils are perpretated by those who think they are doing good.

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"My last essay, reflecting on the Baby Boomers, sparked a backlash from readers who took the critique personally. There are nearly 200 comments. The negative ones were all from Boomers (many who declared themselves atheists) and were focused on their own lives rather than the impact of their generation on society (which sort of supported my point)."

Clare, that is YOUR interpretation of the comments. I don't agree that the essay "sparked a backlash from readers who took the critique personally". I think most of the comments were simply critical of your unsubstantiated thinking, supported with rational arguments as to why you were wrong. And in no way do they "sort of", or in any other way, support your point. And of the 200+ comments, I can find only 1 (ONE!) where the poster declared himself to be an atheist. Others, including my own, declared a deep belief in Christianity but that is inconsistent with your thesis, so was ignored.

I also suggested that the reason for the decline in (Anglican) Church attendance recently is because of the insufferable "wokery" of the Church. This alienates older generations and, at the same time, doesn't attract wokesters because they ARE atheists. From a marketing perspective, this is a disaster! In fact, in the US, it is clear that many younger people are searching for meaning in their lives and are joining evangelical Christian movements in record numbers. Just NOT the Anglican Church. So again, I find your arguments regarding the centrality of Christianity to your thesis to be unconvincing.

The "boomer" generation was responsible for the entrenchment of free speech and the enforcement of individual freedom and civil liberties. It was also the first generation to pushback against "The Establishment" and reject the bullshit propagandizing society with dishonesty, a point that, perhaps as a "refinement" of your argument, you now reluctantly acknowledge (It was not in your earlier piece) a But what greater contribution can there be?

IMHO you have a predetermined closed view and are not listening. Opening minds is critical to the understanding of the evil of the Covid Military psyop which you have worked so hard to promote, yet you are now seemingly deliberately alienating some of your most ardent supporters who still have any critical thinking ability. We are all entitled to express opinions but I find your supporting arguments to be unconvincing and counter-productive to your case.

I've expressed my views adequately to your earlier piece and now this one, so I shall not be commenting further, I've said what I have to say and will listen to what others have to say. Perhaps you might do the same?

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Thank you for writing that

I'm going to go off tangent a bit and rant, probably be rude but hey I'm an uneducated chav yep I'm whipping out the class card lol.

It's all coming from privilege and lacking such humility; I'm smart - you dumb, now I'm going to double down. Maybe next up a reference to Romance in the Three Kingdoms - the story hasn't changed that much, has it?? Which generation though Han v1 or 4 maybe they only reached Release candidate or Beta as they hadn't figured out generational divide just dynastic?

I used to be woke but never saw church as a place for woke, what a horrible sentence. I was also a SJW/Environmentalist/Conservative, so many things but myself which I now understand was simply falling prey to the propaganda put out by the media and academics.

The failure to stand with the miners (and everything that followed) - making nursing a profession was a cage that destroyed many (the lower castes in healthcare) So that those who once pushed back in previous times - were pushed out. Tsk so unprofessional to question the 'science'

That said:

I'm also guilty and should've stood taller, I allowed others hubris to silence me.

Recognise being blinded by corrupt methods within academia and stop deflecting, you're really shit at understanding sociology you're far more eloquent than I but this is just - profanity more profanity.

I'm sorry I was wrong for most of my adult life, pretend you're on parole and repent stop being part of the problem as that all I'm reading. I'm still part of the problem - I must deflect...

Stand-up, don't ever use honorifics, denounce their use, no-one in the current age are worthy of honorifics. Having a better cpu or in most cases just a larger hard drive isn't something to be proud of. All workers study, many spend just as many years honing their craft without recognition that the 'educated' expect.

The PMC aren't capable of fixing anything just pontificating, you can see that, right?? As the hubris is off the charts even when invoking Christ. You should feel shame. I do, I didn't stand when I knew I should.

Workers united is our only hope the so called smartest in the room always end up corrupt due to how insular they become. BUT good news....

Hazelnut (Oreshnik) is probably going to take us all out - truly frightening, but maybe an even worse fate? Many will become a Letby sacrificed at the altar of the consultant (and to stop NHS payouts) Before covid these thoughts would've never entered my head the system can't be that corrupt can it??

Maybe even dragged off for a re-tweet/comment. No doubt, this comment is one of sedition.

Welcome to the new class war same as the old with the PMC knowing their place. Whilst pretending to be humble, as we step over the homeless. Shame to us all.

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So be it 😊🙏

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Thank you Clare. I have written about the disconnect due to all of what you write about and feel certain that digital devices and screens are detrimental to healthy development, creativity and thriving. The crucial neural connections made when children play freely and paint, draw, build and learn how to write are being lost. Also, the ability to 'navigate' by walking and exploring along with creative endeavours is being lost and I hypothesis leading to a limiting of mental capacity, anxiety, depression and fragility. The coping mechanisms, which I think are ; religion, traditional families, painting, gardening, dance, music, theatre, sport & roaming outdoors, etc and which I think evolved, as our brains evolved and we struggled to make sense out of the chaos of the environment, have been under attack. In many places they have been fractured or dismantled and replaced with various cults eg climate, 'trans' DEI etc delivered to us via a smooth digital fake world, which is more like a prison. I feel very strongly that children should not have devices and certainly not in schools. I think that memory and the ability to comprehend are being seriously affected. We are our memories. Devices and screens should be tools not masters. This I think needs urgent action if we hope to have a healthy thriving creative future.

Sorry for the ramble. It's so good to find a kindred spirit.

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Ever since I heard your recorded confession (was it last year?), I have rejoiced in your new life, Clare. Reading this essay deepens my joy.

It’s weird how the last four years have created a sense of ‘knowing people’ that you don’t know because you listened to multiple interviews. I would listen to you being interviewed realizing that you were also probably managing things for at least a couple kids at the same time. I’ve so appreciated your (tireless) scientific work and willingness to communicate it to lay persons.

But now, I can count on standing shoulder to shoulder with you at the shore of that glorious crystal sea; though I may never meet you here on earth.

May God continue to bless the work of your hands.

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What a lovely message. God bless you.

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