Clair you should write more about what you told Dr Campbell. That for ages everybody ignored everything good you said, and only piped up to talk about mistakes. You are also one of the few to openly describe how the transfected cells are killed by the immune system. I was the first to warn of that because it's just what T cells do, so every expert on the planet should have thought of that. But they all forgot t cells, and only thought of antibodies. All my efforts to share that and other critical facts was met with an "one inexplicable silence" an only at best some critisism as I got more and more angry everyone was ignoring obvious facts. You felt the evil. Yes indeed. I have studied it and can show it manifesting. Something paranormal and evil is happening.

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It isnt paranormal but is evil. I have watched for decades as our children have been "dumed down and taught the facts that government is the answer to all their problems. because so many now that include two to three generations have become dependant upon government that they go willingly for anything gov. says. I have been stifled and even arrested for daring to stand and speak up having documented proof of my statements. Media is no longer a forum we can depend upon to didtribute facts and demand accountability. I now 80 and have so many miles behind me and few left to travel must depend upon others to carry on. I am gled you are there and know what is true. I do hope you find a way to get the words out that will show all the facts you know. I see the major problem is that people dont want to know. they are sadisfied in living their lives in a controled fall, depending upon government to "save" them. One thing you may try to overcome that silence. your words must be newsworthy. something they cant resist at not being first to publish. I am not skilled at knowing what that is. I am sorry. Thank you for your efforts----- I, Grampa

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No, grandpa, it paranormal. It is beyond scientific explanation. It manifests by everybody like yourself can't inquire when the tirj is presented. Instead all your brains trigger to obbssess over what you think. So when specify do ours say critical sepcific facts like the MECHANISM OF harm you and 100% of the audience always change the subject, ignore, or decide you know better. 99.99% of humans are effected, either it's permanent hypnosis you all are under or it's the devil doing it. Probably.

I can give thousands of examples, but the main one is nobody here can explain how mRNA harms and show in the pathology.

And it's also made all influencers lose the ability to discuss the science in their own comments section. So the planet had just been a massive of experts saying what they think, with no actual discussion going on.

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What a beautiful comment.

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This is a powerful piece of writing. Ethical, empowering, insightful. Bravo and thank you.

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Thank you, Clare, for this poignant summary.

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Excellent article, yes it is time for the deferent doves to take over. Arrogance and conceit from the medical profession and their institutions can be as damaging as any illness, the medical hawks are reluctant to evaluate before taking action and then they refuse to acknowledge their mistakes so will repeat them. The old saying still holds true fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Thank you Dr Craig for being a voice of reason!

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Thank you, Dr Craig well said. Great article reading👏👍.

Ethical pillars; first do no harm and informed consent are distant memories only to be replaced by single narratives and deafening silence notably during & post covid era.

The big pharma shackles ...🤑🤑

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"Deafening silence". I like your introduction of this term.

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I believe the attitudes you describe (both to emphasise the benefits of new products -and ignore their risks - and to supress challenges to the accepted narative) are the dirct result of financial incentives (for government budgets, achedemics, medical practitioners, media owners and journalists).

The media responce may also have been supported by a propaganda campaign by the military (as people feared SARS-CoV-2 leaked from a biowepons facility).

Just follow the money. If it wasn't for substack the whole bizarre rigmarole would be ignored. Most just want to forget, grit their teeth and pay the debt.

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You wrote more succinctly that I did about the same ideas. Well said.

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Unfortunately the hubris of those that claimed there was only one way to respond to the threat, was not restrictive or harmful to them and for many was highly beneficial and profitable. The taste of totalitarian power proved intoxicating, twisting their sense of humanity to blind them to the harms they were causing.

Even now they pretend to have acted morally and the NHS still pushes the harmful jab to deny the folly of the policy.

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Exactly! Out here in Santa Cruz, California we labor under the willfully ignorant authoritarian diktat of a mini-tyrant calling herself the county "Health officer". Enforcing a mask mandate in healthcare facilities for Fall and Winter. Still pushing the jabs as "The Best" protection. Threatening jail and fines for non-compliance. When questioned doesn't she answer until an answer is requested. Then she spits insultingly with boilerplate nonsense that addresses exactly zero of the concerns raised. It hasn't ended folks. Not by a long shot.

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I've exposed crimes against humanity at the Scottish COVID Inquiry since October 2023 and now when i turn my attention to the UK COVID Inquiry often touted as a whitewash i start to find the same evidence. I cannot for the life of me work out why popular ''medical freedom'' community advocates with MILLIONS of followers between them have not been all over these testimonies. So i ask do we have many doves disgusied as hawks or are there any real white doves left at all? i have my doubts.



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I'll have a read of your stuff.

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Please do. THE most important free substack in the world.

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It most certainly is THE most important Substack, just stating the facts. The others are loving the attention & looking for the coin from the gullible,imo. Try giving Club Grubbery a go here in Oz with Graham Hood & John Larter or Michael Grey Griffith. This is a battle for humanity.

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Very well said Roc. It's a big 'awake' club too. That can clearly be seen on who they support, repost, interview etc Think about it. The lockdown sceptics and protestors from 2020-2021 now have all the official evidence they were right and in 2024 decide to look the other way. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/newexclusiveannes-law-consultation

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Vaxmania took over

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Jessica Hockett gave you a shout-out on a podcast

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Which podcast?

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I listened to two of them back to back. I think it was this one https://rumble.com/v5rf8ih-jessica-hockett-aka-woodhouse76-covid-researcher..html

If not it would have been one from earlier in the year called the Health Freedom Podcast.

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Ok, thanks.

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Actually my sibstack is the most important fre sybstack in the world. It explains how jabs kill and how the whole planet can't figure that out because some evil phenomeon is retarding everybody except a few of us.

It's all accurate. And trumps all of your ability to find the truth.

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At the end of the day what happened in care homes is the root of the 'pandemic' and therefore exposes the jabs were never required to begin therefore is the bigger crime. All now proven through witness statements from an official public inquiry which has been largely ignored by the world's media including 'alternative' UNLIKE the danger jabs which is an approved narrative. Just scrolled your main page and learned absolutely nothing.

EXAMPLE - ''Dr yeadon…is a fucking shill, he talked about flu, when we were doing coronaviruses”.

Dr yeadon is a shill, he is a shill what a mother fucking shill!!”.


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No Hubris here: "The Most important free Substack". "No. Mine is". No. You're wrong. Mine is". "That's not true. Mine is". I'm sorry guys but you embarrass yourselves with this pissing contest. And Dr. Clare deserves better in the comments addressing her fine work. Just my opinion. Carry on.

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It's callled having a sense of humour. It IS the ONLY substack in the world consistently documenting the world's only official COVID inquiry to reveal the truth to the lockdown hearing directly from families. Pretty important stuff in my eyes. Maybe you should take some time to study it and report back on the evidence vs mocking people that are trying to reveal THE truth to the ''COVID'' pandemic. Merry xmas! Have another red pill on me you look like you haven't woken up enough yet.

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You learned nothing...so your brain is vaccinated against facts. That's the Darkforce . That's why nobody was able to learn WHY no vaccinations were necessary. Whole planet couldn't think of basics. Couldn't learn "no jabs have ever stopped transmission". Couldn't learn "mRNA doesn't stay in the arm". Couldn't learn that that T cells would attack.

The ROOT cause of the pandemic was everybodies collective inability to understand basic concepts, and discuss them, for a whole year. That's why all experts got everything wrong, and so did all the conspiracy theorists.

What happened in care homes was just one sickening chapter . In a huge saga of humans turning ignorant and evil because they all couldn't agree on vital facts.

You think all the nurses and doctors just "turned stupid and evil" by accident? No. Everybody turned stupid and evil, and it is a phenomeon doing it to you all.

"I didn't learn anything". Haha. Well I've got 21 articles. If you can't learn anything then it's a sign your brain doesn't work.

Which is what I have been studying and proving all along.

99% of the planet still hasn't learned basic immunology yet.

Stuff that was in all the medical books for four decades.

The experts literally can't comprehend why jabs are killing.

99% of the planet couldn't even comprehend that vitamin D activates the T cells , and we already had immunity from common colds. That would have AVOIDED all the care home deaths. Important facts about reality, that everybody just "forgot".

Ivermectin would have worked too, but back then, everybody went delusional and started screaming about 5G and Jesus coming. Or horses.

Everybody went lunatic.

I was there.

Watching everyone turn lunatic.

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There is nothing i've seen on your page i didn't already know and have you ever thought maybe it's you who is effected by ''the darkforce'' given the state of your comments?

''JJ coey is a prick, and so is Dr yeadon. ''

You have the most important free substack in the world? Ok mate. We will agree to disagree.

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I'll have a read of your stuff.

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"creating a culture where doctors fail to lead." indeed - the abdication of responsibility and acceptance of the premise that managers manage better than doctors - as if there were a binary choice. Doctors who have good leadership skills should be leading the whole operation with middle managers following orders from people who have clinical experience. Doctors have let this happen, just as PAs and AAs are starting to gain traction in the UK. Sadly there are too many perverse incentives messing things up. Not enough critical thinking of what works, what doesn't, what gives maximal benefit to the patient for least cost. NICE should be a beacon of efficiency, but instead that system isn't working (else cheap repurposed drugs would have been used during "covid". And economies would not have been shut down in the vain hope of postponing a few elderly lives by 6 months. And perhaps NICE is run by those with strong connections to big pharma, who knows.

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Thank you Clare for gentle, intelligent and powerful writing and the thinking that goes behind that

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I am now 80+ years old. in fair health for my age. I have worked every day until retirement ( forced) from the age of 12 the corner store , meat market and drug store at the same time. I have worked the most foul jobs, loud noise and dirty. smelling of forming oil and smoke. even working with walking pneumonia.

Only retiring because I suffered a damaged back when hit by a car and had to take pain medication. Fords told me I couldn't work because of insurance problems taking pain meds and programming robots. I also worked on my cousins farm every summer until I joined the Navy. I was exposed to everything. even cowpox which left me immune to small pox.

I had every pox and cold virus I caught from my school mates. we went to school sick or not. I tell you this because we as humans must develop our own immune system. injection of an immune response developed in a test tube doesn't work well. nature designed our immune system by millions of years of trial and error. what didn't work was discarded.

Today however it isn't our health that determines what we get. it is profits. when they find something that works well or not it is handed out. then government steps in and regulates it. telling all that it will make us healthier. when it is accepted by the people ignorant of any side effects it becomes a mandate so that we cant refuse treatment. the cost at the start could be missed days of school or a fine for child neglect. now it has all become weaponized.

Covid is the latest example. while it did spread quickly. ( all too quickly for a normal virus ) and did result in some people dying a cure was demanded (to save the world) We were told that it was deadly. (not offering data ) and they were rushing to create the shots to prevent it.

Shortcuts were taken and when one was found it was rushed into production "to save the world" it would be free to all. ( not free but paid for by our taxes ) and all in the panic caused by government propaganda were given the shots. Without proof of it working people ( some who couldnt offer refusal ) were dying without being exposed to the virus.

This was hidden from the people. They continued to Regulate. people who got the virus found it survivable and some didnt even know they had it. proof that nature provided its own way to deal with the virus. government not letting a good crisis go to waste made the shots as a mandate.

Then using misused power it forced companies to demand complience or they would loose their job. Many did and it ruined the lives of many. devorice loss of homes businesses. our rights violated without consequences. Now the WHO wants to have power to demand our complience from a group of people we didnt elect that would take actions up and including military actions if we dont follow their orders.

Again we see the "regulations" put in place to insure our safety. using our health and the rest of the world as reason. They no longer need proof because they have power. power we granted them. power to impose fines and controls that could destroy our nation. I now sit here in disblief on how our nation has gone from relitive freedom to a controling government of both national and world control without resistance.

Control given from fear. developed from the ignorence we have allowed from, again "regulations" that made education "available " to the underprivileged. Our health should be the one thing that is totaly under our control. Now with government "regulations" that become mandates that when not followed become criminal offences.

We still have a choice time to find the reasons for them and who makes these mandates. We must have accountability for our represenatives who willingly violate our rights to have power and control. I lived quite well with out all government mandates. we dont need our lives planned out each step of the way. sorry for being so long in my post. thanks for reading.--------- I, Grampa

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Thank you for sharing your experiences and what you learned from them. Our "health" and other aspects of our lives are indeed controlled. You are a hearty person, surviving many assaults.

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One of the biggest crimes of the last four years petpreyated by all influencers is 99% of them refused to speak in their own comments section. I noticed it early on, and once you look, you see. It broke the scientific process, where experts influencing, just talk away and then do not engage in discussion afterwards. To make matters worse, all doctors have been largely absent from the conversation, leaving 99% of comments to be people with no science degrees, and largely conspiracy theorists. Even worse, you never ever see them all engaging with each others videos. So you never see Dr John comment on Bret Weinstein's stuff, or Dr been talking on Dr John's, etc etc etc.

This is part of the reason the flow of information and s once had been a total clown show. It is a manifestation of the Darkforce, as it means each individual "expert" can say whatever they like and it is never confronted, or at least the confrontation is never aknoledged. This has left the planet divide and confused , following false idols who never work together and never achieve anything.

If the Darkforce e want real. All our famous influencers and whisltblowers would have gotten to the truth immediately, and galvanised an army of followete to take actions. Instead the planet is just an insufferable demivided mess with nothing good ever happens . It's disgusting and infuneced by the hidden Darkforce phenomeon. Which I have proven and observed for four years, making all experts useless. None will confront me in public discussion, and when I send them the pathology with all the proof of vaccine harms, they all go silent. Over 70 of them now including your top name heros like Dr Scott Jensen, Peter McCulloch , Dr Jane Ruby, Dr bhadki etc. They all criminally fail to communicate when it matters. Driven by their own egos.

I hope the Darkforce is the devil. And the enemies of Jesus are those who speak truth. For the rest will have nowhere to hide, hiding behind their screens , under their rocks. False idols.

One of the rules of the Darkforce is... Don't ask about the Darkforce .

And yet it is clear as day that all experts got everything wrong from day one, and still can't all get together and agree how mRNA harms. Despite Dr bhakdi clearly explaining it to the world over and over again, and proving it with Dr burkharts patjolgy. And yet 3 years later. The planet of hero experts, are still pathetically ignoring that, and ignoring their audience.

A divided shattered world, suffering and grim. As hell comes to earth. Self inflicted hell.

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Super comment Will!! eg-The Scottish COVID inquiry revealled to the world clear as day what the 'COVID pandemic' really was and even THAT cannot muster a collaborative and strong resistance to the false narratives from 2020 which largely have survived in tact. The Scottish evidence i find is consciously AVOIDED by the 'truther/alt media/freedom' community and those that have said something it's token coverage. So many seem to have an agenda self serving or otherwise. Accountability is miles off because no one really wants it. Many happy to take their pieces of silver though ''exposing the truth.''

''“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. '' - Jesus--Matthew--2:25

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Thanks. I'm a scientist but it became clear from the start we aren't doing science. All the experts went mad and couldn't agree on basics. I've spent all the time trying to contact them all to explain to hem obvious things they were missing. 4 years later and not one of them will talk to me in public. All I have to do is mention T cells, common cold coronaviruses and the pathology, and they all run away. All of them can't communicate and it's getting totally obvious it's all a lunatic clown show of division and endless "neeed more research".

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Yes REAL adult debate is the biggest issue missing and now a really serious problem whether it's 'COVID' or climate crisis etc

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Yep. Dr John Campbell said a while back if it's just 2 people sitting around agreeing, then it's no science going on. All these influencer experts just talk away and then refuse challenge. They only get mates on to agree with them. Whole thing is a crock. In reality, if I ever got in front of the public on a big show, I'd be able to point out all of their utter ludicracy. None of the COVID even e was difficult and yet they all missed the most important facts. Most still are. Meanwhile we have had Neil Oliver's "everytbigns shit" show as he endlessly just complains about how shit everything is day after day. The pantomime show .

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I agree completely especially in relation to the popular ''freedom'' influencers who remember ARE profiteering quite well from being in this space. Also Neil Oliver's point blank refusal to draw attention to the Scottish COIVD inquiry health and social care closing statements occuring in Edinburgh just 36 miles away from his doorstep in Stirling is extremely revealling. A historian saying nought about all that?!! Wow! I notice GBN just uploaded a new video with Neil about FLOURIDE IN USA tap water and how he is 'stunned.' But CONFIRMED human rights abuses, torture and death of his fellow Scots. Meh? I'll give that a pass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRh2I_gK0Uk&ab_channel=GBNews

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I thought Neil had mentioned the Scottish inquiry one or two times. Dr John one or two times. That's about all I've seen.

Sounds like you've been following it

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Re: this study cited: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpub/article/PIIS2468-2667(20)30180-8/fulltext

Specific to spring 2020, the phenomenon of sudden natural deaths at home warrants further investigation, beginning with London's OHCA cardiac arrest event. Based on my investigation of NYC's event, I suggest journalists or others review directives given to London paramedics.

Like New York, London data indicates people were suddenly calling for medical help, help was dispatched, but people may not have been brought to hospital. It's notable that London's OHCA event also began right after the U.S. government announced "15 Days to Slow the Spread"


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Thanks Dr. Clare for sharing this insight. The Hawks and Doves... the Hubris of the Hawks. "People without medical training tend to be hawks about medicine", I surely connect with that statement. Even in my own family I have seen and lamented the truth and consequences of that.

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Well said Clare. Spot on in all points. Society has been 'dumbed down' for decades and our unconscionable government's going along stock and barrel. Keep up the great work.

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Great article, but could you publish it in a heavier type, as it has less IMPACT as it reads, thanks.

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