Apr 3Liked by Clare Craig

Outstanding! Thank you Dr Craig. I will listen to it again in case I missed anything, you covered everything that was the diabolical mess in Covid. My anger about what has happened to us has never gone away.

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Watch this:

"What Happened in New York?"

IPAK-EDU Director's Science Webinar- Jessica Hockett + Jonathan Engler


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Somewhere today I read this gem.

'If you can't say it, eventually you can't think it.' Thank you Clare for saying what needs to be said - so that we can also learn from your analysis, tell others the truth and think more deeply about what is important. The secret of having it all is believing you already do. No regrets.

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Thank you.

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Dear Dr. Craig, I found you through John Campbell, and subsequently bought your book. And then, today, I watched your video and when you said you wanted to give your testimony I thought "no way! She's going to present some vague spiritual thing..." But then you professed Jesus Christ. I actually cried. I'm not much of a crier. Praise God! And welcome to the family, sister!

Now, be prepared. The push back on your covid work is mere preparation for how people will push back against your faith in Jesus. But know that many, many people are praying for you, and that if we remain faithful to God, He will remain faithful to us. I am so, so happy for you Clare. I'll say it again - Praise God!!!

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Super comment. I’m in the same position, having spent over half a century looking the wrong way. Now, I am safe in his hands too. I no longer feel any embarrassment saying it out loud.

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Praise God for you, too, Dr. Yeadon!!

I was backslid for thirty years, then the covid lunacy smacked me wide awake, but not until after my family and I took two shots of Pfizer. It is what it is. The upshot is that I went back to Christ, and my daughter got saved and baptized too!! God is so good.

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God bless you guys. He is waking a lot of people up right now !! :)

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You always were safe in His hands Mike, you just didn't know it.

"For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers."

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Watch this:

"What Happened in New York?"

IPAK-EDU Director's Science Webinar- Jessica Hockett + Jonathan Engler


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I am spiritual, although don't believe its possible for humans to describe higher power and would ordinarily leave comments like this unanswered but it acts as perfect illustration of people who mostly end up praying instead of acting, per Christians.

What could be more insane than joining, with a group of people who for the most part proved innate fallacy of their belief structure, by not acting when it counted ‽

I urge people, to urgently embrace levels of uncertainty for driving actions but also to act in the knowledge that we are the embodiment, of any God.



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Humanity cannot save itself, and what is playing out was predicted long ago, in the Bible. We are to stand against evil, yes. But even more, we are to rely on God. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. If you read the Bible it is clear that it usually took a great calamity to get God's people to remember Him, and to come to Him. Let's encourage each other, and all those who are waking up to the Truth. God is greater than anything occuring presently, or will occur in the future. This life is over pretty quickly, but what comes next is forever. Peace.

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I genuinely appreciate, what you're saying to me but you must listen when I'm saying This can become hell on earth and we should try preventing it, or risk purgatory ... per Christianity.

Did you click the link ?

Btw also appreciate courage, of people baring their souls but still must try to save all of our bodies, from overt trends/ trajectories!

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Everyone is spiritual to one degree or another as we are both body and spirit.

It is true that many who call themselves Christians will pray to God seeking answers and then not act on what they are told. Indeed, it has been written down in the past what we all should do which might be summed up in 'Love mercy, do justly and walk humbly with your God.'

This crazy Covid time has been a great sorting and sifting, a separation of wheat and weeds. The church is not immune and that was where judgement first fell.

In the meantime lots is going on which includes waking people up and speaking the truth in love without fear.

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My gosh, so much work and thought went into this. Thank you.

I grew up, a child of the 1950s, and trusted Jonas Salk, and all other doctors.

Covid was released on the world,

And now, not only don't I trust doctors,

I fear them.

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You've read about Salk being a eugenisist and his contaminated batches which caused cancer yet continued, for years, to be used?

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Did you ever see a Polio ward in your life?

My first cousin came down with it, ended up in an iron lung. I visited him for eight months in a ward with fifteen other kids.

Horrible life beyond description.

He died eight months after symptoms.

Salk's work has kept an estimated 30 million people over the last fifty years from contracting and dying from that virus.

Clearly your politics and political world view is more important than anything positive he did for the world.

As for me, I can still remember the sight and smells of that Polio ward, sixty years on.

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I'm sorry for your cousin but you are probably still unaware how governments and industry cahoot and hide chemical toxin poisoning on invisible viruses. The polio outbreaks post war was actually caused by liberal spraying of pesticides like DDT. Here's some info, just one of many authors unravelling the pHARMA killing cartel. viroliegy.com/category/polio Hey, how come you were allowed to visit? Were all docs and nurses wearing PPE? Why didn't you "catch" it from anyone that had it? Up to 3 years ago I believed government and docs about vaccines and safe drugs. The truth will shock you.

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I am mystified as to why all governments are hushing up the deaths and injuries. The shots were available at warp speed. I would have thought that governments would be aggressively collecting data looking for signals but alas they didn’t and aren’t. The data collection was and is passive. I observed that all countries in unison were pumping out the same narrative, which I thought curious. All countries were censoring both doctors and scientists as well as the vaccine injured for not obeying the accepted narrative. The propaganda was/is in full force. We all got shoved down our collective throats”safe and effective follow the science.” There was no way in hell they could have backed that up with evidence. They weaponized terms to discredit or make an example of. Anti vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, spreading misinformation, responsible for deaths. The propaganda was coming out hard and furious. The vaccine injured were called anti vaxxers therefore it was prudent to censor them in their facebook support groups. I know this because I am vaccine injured. There was no help or acknowledgment, all we had was each other trying to get medical advice from each other and support. We were/are abandoned. This has been a terrifying nightmare. My life has irrevocably changed. My trust in our institutions is zero. I am angry.

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Although it seems bizarre it is all to wake people up to the scam of vaccines etc. The more totalitarian it becomes the more people say this isn't right and become angry, rightly so. Sadly it was necessary as people weren't observing the warning signs.

I only woke up to the scam of all vaccines in 2020 but better late than never.

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At the beginning, polio vaccines were disastrous. The shots were giving kids polio. It was initially hushed up until it became blatantly obvious they had to go back to the drawing board.

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Thank you for your opinion.

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Check out this book: Turtles All the Way Down.

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You are welcome- though what was sent to you is not opinion it is called evidence.

You now have an opportunity to educate yourself or you can keep your head in the sand and continue to swallow the lies of the medical cartel that is ramrodding everything in it's path.

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Yet no proof of contagion of polio...

It maybe a deadly virus!

SV40 was the contaminated in the vax used to save millions.

Polio was very much in decline prior to the use the van.

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Excellent summary of the past 4 years, 4 years of lies. Everything they told us about covid was a lie. Everything!

You're probably aware of Dennis Rancourt's analysis that his team conducted last year in September. Their conclusion was that the jabs had killed 17 million globally. The risk of death was 1 in 800, and that the risk of death increased exponentially with age, such that for those older than 90 it is 1 in 20!

Thank you for courage. Thank you for shining a light into the darkness, the madness that has prevailed over the past 4 years.

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God bless you for your courage. I am a physician who was fired from a job for not taking the gene therapy jab, and I recognize your good heart.

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I say the same, blessings for the courage and good heart of Dr. Craig!

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Absolutely spot on, so many things just didn’t sit right with me from the very beginning.

I was especially annoyed at the church closing its doors on us and even more disappointed in the Pope. My husband and I are the only two in all our circle of friends and family that never took the deadly shots. I am seeing so many young people with cancers and very sadly two deaths in young men around 30 yrs old who we know that were previously very fit and healthy.

I’ve followed you since the beginning along side the other Dr’s and scientists who questioned the whole scam.

Thank you for all you have done and are continuing to do.

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Sadly the pope was “charmed” by a PR set-up, the Ad Council, which must have scripted his 2021 TV vax promotion because he never mentioned vaccine inequity - which is something you’d have expected him to do.

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I watched you on You Tube with Dr John Campbell. I decided to subscribe to your substack to support your work. Thank you

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Thank you so much.

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Campbell is yet another fraud from CoVax.

I guarantee, just another personality who we can't pay much attention to if we wanna avoid, imminent WW3.

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If i read that correctly then i would say that you’re full of 💩…so with that said …GFU

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

I'm the only man in the world, predicted all of this and with a plan to save your life, talking to you...


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An accurate overview of the last 4 years - thanks so much, Dr Craig. All efforts internationally should now be concentrated on getting rid of this horrible vaccine technology that is mRNA - including its use in livestock. Canadian vaccinologist Dr Byram Bridle continues to raise concerns about food production, as in this 2 March 2024 letter of his to MP Andrew Bridgen in your country (10 pages): https://the-pffa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024-023-02-brief-report-Re-modRNA-vaccines-in-agriculture_B.Bridle.pdf

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They have been sticking poisons in animals for years before mRNA. All vaccines are horrible.

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Dr Craig I've always found your explanations wonderfully easy to follow and very informative. I'm interested in the last section on Christianity (not what I was expecting), especially since Justin Welby was right in on the fear mongering. He revealed himself as a very, very bad actor IMO and has done and continues to do, immense damage to the church.

Keep up the fantastic work.

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Hi JB, Jesus said that the "heads of the church" in His day were "white-washed tomb stones - look beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean" (Mat 23:27). It might be worth considering that it is just the same today, and that there may be a significant difference to what Jesus considers a 'Christian' and what the visible church considers a 'Christian'.

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Justin Welby's middle name is Portal, he is a portal to the dark side, an evil man.


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Pray and then, act ...


... or we are doomed, and perhaps forever!

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Please, Mr. Rush, we’re not crazy. We’re not all doomed and you’re not the only one who sees through the psyop masquerading as a pandemic. Be still and fear not. More is being revealed…

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Ps in my twenties I went to extraordinary lengths to examine the historical /archeological foundations of Christianity - it is certainly true, there is no other explanation for the survival of belief in Christ in the face of such persecution as the first few centuries brought to the church….

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Thank you so much for this story - it is really just what I needed to read tonight. God bless you.

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Thank you. Jesus is risen

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He is risen indeed!

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I pray every day...


... it doesn't negate action!

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Half of praying is listening. Do you


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God bless you Dr Craig. Thank you for all your work and for speaking out. I will be keeping you in my prayers.

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Dear Clare, I've followed you on twitter for a while and whilst some of your work is slightly over my head at times I appreciate your diligence in these past few years. Thank you for sharing your testimony; may God continue to protect you and give you strength against the attacks that ultimately come from the devil himself. Welcome to the family, sister in Christ!

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Absolutely BRILLIANT!

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