I concur. A fantastic breakdown of the available evidence.
I am a bit surprised though, there is no mention of the work, the Italian professor, Dr. Gabriele Segalla has uncovered. Clearly showing BioNTech/Pfizer and the EMA knew the vaccines were toxic,.. a full year before the rollout. The evidence is so damning, it has launched 3 legal proceedings in Italy against them for willful misconduct and gross negligence... https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/biontechpfizer-and-the-ema-knew-the
Hahah. "I concur". For all we know you haven't even read it. You haven't demonstrated you have.
You concur? You concur when Clare explains the cells are marked for DEATH by T cells? So DESTROYED.. Not "inflammed". How good of you to "concur".
"Clearly the knew vaccines were toxic".
Err. You said that T cells attacking. Cyto TOXIC ...was common knowledge or me? So why are you blaming the companies , when you were all TOLD the cells would express foreign proteins.
Anyone who knows basic T cell immunology knows that t killer cells destroy cells expressing foreign proteins. Therefore everybody.. the PUBLIC and docotrs and immunologists, should all have KNOWN the jab would cause a toxic RESPONSE.... So why did all the doctors and the public all inject themselves then?? If it was common knowledge?
And why if the toxic element is cytotoxic t cells destroying. Is it only me and Dr Clare even mentioning them????
Why did Dr bhakdi, Marc GIRARDOT , Dr John and myself have to repeatedly explain his over and over again?
It's so easy to catch you all out in your hypocracy.
Dr Clare. Please tell Dr John to check all his videos where he explained "the cells will be destroyed by cytotoxic t cells". Anf check the comments. And find that EVERYBODY in comments , ALLWAYS shows no ability to aknolwedge and comprehend that fact.
And people saying "I concur" or "that's true" is just people hiding their ignorance.
Dr John can check videos including "myocarditis , German evidence" or "brain injury". Or the one with Marc GIRARDOT called "a credible explanation behind adverse events".
Then ask Dr John to do an interview with Dr bhakdi, and go over the mechanism of harm. Dr John says "the cells will be destroyed by cytotoxic T cells". Dr bhakdi says "auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes". Marc GIRARDOT says "carpet bombing of the endothelium by cytotoxic t cells". And Dr Clare , you say it funny, you say "the cells are marked for death and killed" (suggest doing specifics next. Killer t cd8+ cells). Then get Dr John to Google "lymphocyte infiltration COVID vaccine" to find all the smoking gun evidence.
Keep up the good work Dr Clare.
Oh and next time. Don't get distracted talking to people about no viruses. Engage with people like myself who show you the respect of discussing what you wrote about .
You are making an ass of yourself, Will. But to each their own...
I have already quoted Clare in reply to you below, which you choose to ignore, and not bothered to address. Mainly because the evidence soundly defeats your pigheaded rants on blood clots. So it is obvious I have read her fantastic article. Which makes the rest of your response,... a very childish effort to attack and antagonize a moot point.
And why would I want to engage with someone who doesn't look at the evidence, and persists in crusading stuff learned high school biology. I really don't know how anyone can think a simple biological process can be some sort of hidden secret or discovery. LOL!
I guess the simple example of a sore throat went right over your head.
To all those not following along this crusade of Will's,.. of how cytotoxic T cells are the be all, end all, to COVID and/or vaccine injury, let me quickly explain how they are only a fraction of damage caused. No immune cells work alone. In fact, cytotoxic CD8 T cells don't even enter the arena, unless one has acquired immunity (previously infected or vaccinated). They are part of adaptive immunity. And that takes a full week after infection or vaccination for adaptive immunity to kick in. So let's assume, Will is referring to everyone having acquired immunity. Because killer T cells are different from CD8 T cells, and in most of his 100 some odd posts flooding this comment section, he speaks of CD8's. So right off the bat, you can see how in many cases, mainly early in the pandemic, cytotoxic CD8 T cells weren't even involved in the battle. No one had acquired immunity, and there were no vaccines at that time. And yet,... people dropped like flies early on. So, it's obvious that cytotoxic T cells, aren't the only cause of COVID injury, disease and death. Yet Will thinks they are the cause of everything we see. He is dead wrong and deluded.
Without an antigen, like the inflammatory spike and LNPs, there would be no immune response. So for him to continue to wail...."Not inflammatory spike. Not LNPs. Why is everyone being so PATHETIC AND RETARDED?'... Is very silly. The spike and LNP's have been shown to be toxic and damaging to cells, all on their own. It's not just the immune response causing damage.... https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/biontechpfizer-and-the-ema-knew-the
If the damage were all the result of the immune response, then why would those with compromised, weakened, or suppressed immunity, be at such a high risk for severe disease? Or put it another way. If cytotoxic T cells were solely responsible for all the damage during this pandemic. Then why haven't millions died in waves until now? It all has to do with how dangerous the pathogen is. The Spanish flu, measles, COVID all differ in toxicity. Never forget, SARS-CoV-2 was designed to inflict harm... https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/how-to-live-with-the-sars-cov-2-virus
It's always about the pathogen and how it evades, over-excites or overwhelms the immune response.
Here. I've gotten the gptAI to explain it to you. she isn't retarded so can easily understand. .
Sure, I’ll break it down for "ohbaby."
The endothelium is a thin layer of cells lining blood vessels, and one of its key roles is to prevent unwanted clotting. When the endothelial cells (or any cells) start expressing foreign proteins, like viral proteins or something not naturally found in the body, the immune system sees these as a threat.
Cytotoxic T cells, a type of immune cell, recognize these foreign proteins and target the cells for destruction. When they destroy these endothelial cells, it leads to cell damage or death, which can cause the release of various internal cell components into the surrounding tissue and bloodstream.
One consequence of this cell destruction is that it disrupts the normal balance in the blood vessels and can activate the clotting process. Here’s how:
1. **Exposure of Clotting Factors**: Normally, the endothelium hides some molecules that can initiate clotting (like tissue factor) from circulating blood. But when endothelial cells are damaged or destroyed, these clotting factors get exposed to the bloodstream.
2. **Release of Cellular Contents**: When cytotoxic T cells destroy endothelial cells, they cause a release of cell contents, some of which can act as signals for clotting. This includes molecules like tissue factor, which starts the clotting cascade.
3. **Activation of Platelets and Coagulation Cascade**: The exposure of tissue factor and other cellular debris activates platelets (cells responsible for forming clots) and initiates a series of steps in the coagulation cascade. This cascade leads to the formation of a fibrin clot, resulting in coagulation.
So, the process of cytotoxic T cells destroying endothelial cells expressing foreign proteins triggers clotting by exposing clotting factors, releasing cell contents, and activating platelets, all of which ultimately lead to blood coagulation.
Common. Just answer one more question before you quit and run away.
And since you claim it's all simple immunology.
Why was most of the planet asymptomatic?
Or I could ask you ..what are the white clots comprised of? The world ha been told multiple times.
Or I could ask you to tell me about the second half of the spike protein. Any details at all. It's the most important and discussed object on the planet. What do you know about the second half. Not the S1 rbd. The S2 fusion membrane protein. Why is it so important?
Or I could also you ..why are antibodies against the nucleocapsid useless?
You won't know the answer to any of these. Because you are "retarded by the Darkforce."
You won't have even learned the names of the common cold coronaviruses yet, after four years of doing corpnavirus.
If t cells attacking is such a well known principle. Why is Dr Clare here explaining it now, four years later, while Marc GIRARDOT writes a book titled "unravelling the MYSTERY of vaccine harms"???
If it's not a mystery. Why is he calling it a mystery?
If t cells attacking is so obvious,very did Peter McCulloch conclude in his systemic review of autopsies: "these findings indicate AN URGENT NEED TO ELUCIDATE YHE MECHANISM OF HARM"? While harping on about "toxic spike inflammation"?????
Why is Dr Phil Macmillan on the other channel repeatedly saying they need more autopsies to understand what's going on, and tjen saying he "forgot" Dr Arne burkharts work from three years ago clearly proving "lymphocyte attack"????
And I ignored your example on a sore throat, because I'm not retarded, I've been repeatedly explaining how T cells abort the infection early in the throat hundreds of times. They destroy the cells. While a planet of docotrs has obsessed over antibodies. Ignored T cells. So you trying to explain that to me like I don't know, is you wasting your time.
Try explaining to all the stupid experts that T cells destroy cells expressing foreign proteins, so it's obvious when the mRNA transfect cells all over the body. The T cells destroy.
And ask why Dr John, Marc GIRARDOT, Bret Weinstein and Dr bhakdi, and Dr Arne Burkhart, kept repeatedly trying to explain that to everyone, if it's so "common knowledge".
I bet I could find all your posts, or articles, or whatever the fuck, and you've never mentioned cytotoxic T cells once, in the entire four years of immunology in the face.
And you still didn't answer my easy question. Why was half the planet already asymptomatic?
It's basic immunology. You should have no problem answering that. I love asking people this because its a basic question everybody can't answer. Yet it's been explained hundreds of times. All the research done. Basic immunology.
It's now obvious you haven't read Clare's article. As she clearly answers your question on asymptomatic.
And if a sore throat is very easy to understand, why on earth do you believe very few,... comprehend T cells role in COVID? It just doesn't make sense. You ask me, that Is retarded.
And while healthily debating with you, I worry a letter to Dr yeadon explaining it all, based on our conversation, his, and Dr Clare's experience here.
The frontline of the most important medical and criminal investigation on earth on human history.
I don't "believe very few understand t cells and COVID". I study and PROVE everyday that everybody can't comprehend it. It's not about belief. It's the facts. The whole planet obsessed over antibodies.
And there are letters from scientists to the FDA "don't forget about the at cells".
And I have Dr Ryan Cole saying "antibodies aren't the be all and end all. We tend to forget about he more important part , the T cells".
And I have tonnes of evidence of Dr bhakdi repeatedly saying "tje jabs are killing and destroying your organs because the LYMPHOCYTES ARE ATTACKIG and then all the evidence of 100% of his audience all complelty ignoring him and only saying bullshit like ypu do ..."we concur" or "that makes sense" or "we love Dr bhakdi". All RETARDED responses that demonstrate zero comprehension
What else have I got. I've got videos of Bret weinstein repeating it over and over and over, and then eventually giving up and saying "I'm done with sense making, but some FORCE is keeping us from readily available answers". YEP.
And I could show you Jessica rose speculating about "toxic spike" or "toxic LNPs " while trying to understand the three year mystery. And making NO MENTION of cytotoxic T cells attacking.
I've got a screenshot from Dr Malone 3 years ago saying "we have a mechanism of harm, lymphocyte infiltration causing necrosis and death" and then the screenshots of everybody saying "SPIKE PROTEEEEN" Like total retardeds.
I've got so much evidence of how awful you have all been. Letting kids die from T cells destroying their brains and hearts. When the answer was obvious all along. Instead it's 5 years later, and Dr Clare is only just getting round to explaining that NOW. And even when she does explain it, I'm the only one demonstrating I heard her.
I've got soo much evidence. I've got 12 videos of Dr John Campbell repeating "it's the cytotoxic T cells destroying cells" , and then statistics on how 100% of his audience EACH AND EVERY TIME, complelty ignore him, and go back to blaming "toxic spike" or retarded conspiray stuff like snake venom and graphene oxide.
I've also got screenshots of hundreds of people saying it me "it's too confusing " and "we don't need to know the details..
And I've got hundreds of pathology screenshots showing "lymphocyte infiltration" on patjologys where the conclusion is "unexplained" because the experts are all so retarded too, they can't comprehend it!
And then I've got evidence of me being here on Dr Clare's wall, talking about the most critical scientific concept , and Dr Clare isn't able to join in and discuss, only you are, being hypocritical, difficult and in denial.....!!!!
"Clare answered your question". I didn't ask for Clare's explanation. I asked you to demonstrate your comprehension. When you wrote to Clare , you said "i concur". That doesn't demonstrate you understood at all.
But I do this all he time with people, ask them basic questions, when they are being like you and "pretending" you knew all along. As soon as I ask you to demonstrate you know yourself. Instead of just playing along in the circus clown pantomime show that you are all doing, you tie yourselves in knots to avoid answering the question.
I don't even remember the part when she spoke of asymptomatic, I was focused on the part where she explained to you all the cells are marked for death by T cells.
I'll go check, and see if she got it right.
But on the meantime, you go ahead and demonstrate you know. Or refuse, and make excuses, like all the other retards have been doing this entire time.
Your behaviour is classic of everyone presented with the truth. You are "darkscripted".
Dr bhadki also said it was high school basic medical science . So why did a whole planet of experts not think of it?
Why did Dr bhakdi keep repeating himself over and over, and calling you all idiots?
Because you all can't handle the simple truth.
mRNA kills by the immune system attacking. Over 30 experts have said that. Took them long enough.
Only about 6 of us properly describe it. Killer t cells attack.
Dr bhakdi also PREDICTED clots, because he knew the mechanism. That t cells would damage the endothelium. That is how the big clots form.
Marc GIRARDOT also explains the same.
Everybody says to them they make sense. Then nobody repeats that.
So you can take your silly notions of platelet activation, when it's clearly the result of obliterative destruction of the endothelium.
And your nonsense about inflammation. You just look as stupid as everybody else.
You can't even do basic high school biology.
You can't distinguish inflammation from cytotoxcally destroyed cells. That's so basic, and you argue against it. That is because you are "retarded by the Darkforce".
Can't describe reality properly. Denial , gaslighting and dismissal.
This letter to Professor Lawton incredible, a clear explanation of the situation. As an interested but complete uncovid-vaccinated lay person, It seems shocking to me that more about all this should have come out earlier and been available to educate people. i apologise if my comment seems out of place. PS. I have previously listened and enjoyed your chats with Dr John Campbell.
Your point is well taken: the information was indeed difficult to find. ... not, however, due to the efforts of many people who tried to put it out, but due to the variety of censorship techniques employed to keep it from ready view.
All of this was out earlier. Clares main points were cells are destroyed when expressing foreign cells. By killer T cells.
Dr bhakdi and Dr burkhart conclusively proved this four years ago. But everyone listening had a brain melt and never ever repeated that information . Then Dr John repeated it for years, and Marc GIRARDOT did too. Nobody repeated that information.
It's everybodies fault for never repeating the information .
What is in fact happening is, 99% of the planet can't comprehend T cells attacking and destroying . And then everyone hides that ignorance. So the facts never get shared or go anywhere.
So that's why you are shocked this never came out sooner. It's because everyone always ignores and changes the subject whenever they are told.
Clots are caused by damage to he endothelium. That was perfectly obvious back 3 years ago. But it's everybodies stupidity whereby they all just call them mystery. Instead of repeating the facts.
Dear Clare, thanks for the detailed analysis, including references to many peer-reviewed studies (even if now a recognisably problematic category, however) generously offered. I hope that Professor Lawton is able to take your advice and consider the evidence, instead of the routine dogmas pushed by the ‘safe and effective’ lobby. Sadly, there are still none so blind as those who will not see.
Excellent write-up. This s/could be considered as Fraud by Misrepresentation under UK Legislation or even an International Criminal Court matter, I would hope that it is being considered by those with the legal competence. Not wishing to have an answer made public far better to keep the powder dry.
It is clear from your explanation that the complex statistical evidence was almost certainly deliberately used to deceive members of the public and lull them into a false sense of security.
Sadly many long Covid groups still advocate additional boosters to those suffering from “long Covid” and are almost certainly causing even greater harm to those suffering from this unpleasant condition.
Thank you for your painstaking efforts to shed light on the facts.
Yes, this is one of the more obvious but least discussed and understood aspects of the "Vaccines" and spikes. Put simply, they don't belong sticking out of cells lining narrow capillaries where they provide mechanical resistance to blood flow and also induce an inflammatory immune response, both of which result in blood clots.
Disagree. Both are correct and Clare "liked" the comment. The process you describe results in local INFLAMMATION, causing restriction in blood flow, which results in clotting. I stand by my remarks.
Most doctors have done a criminally negligent job of describing inflammation and damage as the same thing this last four years. Every time I see a doctor say "inflammation" when they mean damage and destruction, I groan. Bit they all do it. Terrible experts.
The key aspect is cytotoxic destruction. Which everybody SHOULD know , damage equals clots.
But everybody can't comprehend that simple critical fact.
Clair should have corrected you. Inflammation is when cells swell up. They decinflamme. No damage. No clotting.
That is different to cellular damage. When endotheal cells are destroyed , it releases clotting factor. That causes clotting. Damage.
NOT inflammation .
Clair should have corrected you. But no influencer doctors ever discuss science in their own comments. .shame.
2. Spikes are tiny, barely protruding above the surface of cells. Trying to imagine they are "protruding" in a big enough way to restrict flow is far fetched. And again, restrictions flow doesn't instigate clots.
What instigate clotting, is clotting factor. What instigates clotting factor, is cell damage.
Yes, it's shocking how many opinion leaders believe that inflammation is a core process in clotting. I'm not defending "opinion leaders" per se because Covid experience has shown....
But I'm sure you know better than all this opinion by immunologists and others.
Incidentally, if you choose to comment on her Stack, you might at least spell Clare's name correctly, out of a little respect?
COVID has shown that all experts are cognitively impaired and can't get basic facts right, on mass. All these "opinion leaders" have constantly said "spike inflammation" and said inflammation causes the clotting, when it doesn't. Everybody should know that damage of blood vessel cells is what triggers clotting,but everybody is congitively impaired. Everybody can't comprehend "T cell damage". "T cells attack" "auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes". And so all the experts have gotten it all wrong by waffling on about inflammation. And then doctors like CLARE should correct people in comments. But nobody corrects anybody. Everybody just waffles away about "what they think" with no common sense , logic or science going on.
Leaving me as one of the only people on the planet who constantly had to point out how utterly stupid all the experts are being.
The clotting comes from damage, the damage comes from cytotoxic T cells. That it.
Well described hundreds of times by Marc GIRARDOT. And Dr Sucharicht Bhakdi. Proven in pathology by Dr Arne Burkhart.
One simple fucking answer.
The one the whole planet can't do.
Sorry for the language. I've had to explain this shit to people hundreds of thousands of times over the years.
All you have to do is look at NLRP3 activity to see that inflammatory signaling can initiate clotting independently of direct cellular destruction by cytotoxic T cells.
Surely, when the major histocompatibility complex holds up fragments of the spike protein WHILE IT IS BEING CONSTRUCTED, and the fragments are recognized as non-self, a chain of events is started which results in the death of the cell producing it.
So - yes, the protruding fragments are too small to cause a blockage, but result in the damage you refer to.
Whilst loose language may be irritating, one has to weigh up the rhetorical cost of appearing to bicker pedantically.
The events which lead to cell death via HMC presenting on cell surface, is identification by T memory cells. The destruction of cells is don't by cytotoxic cells. That's why they are called that.
So the MECHANSIM of mRNA harm is the T cells destroying cells expressing foreign proteins.
The proof of the harm is in pathology as lymphocyte infiltration.
All of his had been established by Burkhart and Bhakdi for 4 years. 5 years of you count me.
The problem is nobody repeats , shares or aonoledges this. Leaving science and this clown show medical investigation as a never ending ride of stupidity and endless speculation, when in fact all experts should have known from day one that the transfected cells would obviously be destroyed, and the research said mRNA accumulates on organs and vasculature. Therefore mRNA is obviously inherently damaging and dangerous.
Instead we are here 4 years later. Clare has mentioned the cell death in an article, by t cells, and as usual the only person demonstrating they even heard Clare, was me.
Same as when any other docotrs say the t cells attack. Everybodies brain melts and they all start changing the subject, critisizing or nitpicking.
Prof Lawton, I offer a shorter rebuttal, for your consideration, that it is not long COVID. Consider the importance of truth here, as doing so may very well save your mother's life. Do not view this as partisan, but an alternate consideration of grave importance.
In April 2021, the NHS acknowledged in their ICU guidance that VITT (vaccine-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis; or put simply, the COVID-19 vaccines interfere with and cause micro-clotting events) is a real, life-threatening phenomena:
Whilst the paperwork states it is associated more strongly with AstraZeneca, the truth of the matter is all COVID-19 shots pose this fundamental risk, as it is associated with the spike protein. If this isn't sufficient, I submit this medical case report revealing an association between mRNA shots and thrombotic (blood clotting) events: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589238X21000668
If you wish to read the compendium of medical case reports showing adverse events regarding a whole slew of COVID-19 vaccines - an unprecedented number, unparalleled in medical industry - you will find a compiled list here, which include titles and links/references:
It is not a complete list, but if your intention is to save a life, should you not investigate all avenues Prof Lawton? I submit this for your consideration.
Dear Prof Lawton, please disregard the above comment where it said clots are associated with spike. They are not. Clots are a result of damage, obviously, damaged blood vessel cells, aka endothelium. The endothelium is destroyed by T killer cells attacking and destroying where spike presents, but it is the killer cells doing the damage, not spike. Other foreign proteins would result in the same T cells attack. However 99% of he planet are under some rediculous form of brains washing where they all can't comprehend T killer cells attacking. Dr bhakdi, myself , Bret Weinstein and a few others tried to explain this to everyone for years, but in all cases, 100% of the audience listening cannot comprehend his, and just changed the subject. All the experts are technically "retarded" from comprehend ING basic immunology. But it's actually simple. All the damage, adverse events and clots is caused by the T cells attacking. Auto immune attack. It's in all the patjolgy too as "lymphocyte infiltration" , but all the experts are "retarded" from reading that. It triggers their brain into some form of denial. That's why all the experts are useless and still can't agree on obvious facts.
If you want the truth, it's in Marc GIRARDOTs book "the needles secret". Or in ALL of Dr Sucharicht bhakdis videos. And in Dr Arne burkharts pathology. Not that anybody cares.
Man, get off your high horse. You really don't have a clue, and Girardot is no expert by any stretch of the imagination. Learn about NLRP3, Gq/11 pathways - just to start.
Marc GIRARDOT writes a book detailing how cytotoxic T cells carpet bomb the endothelium , and in a bolus dose, death etc. the book is called "unravelling the mystery..." Yes, a four year lunatic mystery with every expert being baffled and opinionated, endless speculation. Marc writes a book about it, (expert = 10,000hrs) and is only repeating what he said from the start. Beating all other retarded experts.
So he is top level experts, next to myself and bhakdi. Most of the rest are utterly useless. Then you come along and all you can do is moan about him not being an expert. No respect, only GASlighting character. Nasty shit that you are. This is what all the experts are doing . Just like you. Creating and perpetuating his horror on society. When what SHOULD be happening, is everyone (invisible Dr Clare) read his book and said "thanks, that solves the mystery,chat makes sense" should be referencing Marc. Repeating his terminology. Educating the stupid doctors. But no. All of you are self obsessed with your own stupid little never ending nitpicking details, always ignoring the massive important facts that mRNA makes killer t cells attack. You are all disgusting.
Look at you, ya dumb fuck. Getting upset cos you made a stupid argument about it being inflammation causing millions to die . When all along it's cellular DESTRUCTION of the endothelium. Destruction of myocardium destruction of blood brain barrier. Not inflammation. And a whole planet of retarded experts couldn't figure that out, until bhakdi tried to educate you all. And he was a year late. Marcs explanations are better than the rest of the planet of idiots experts. Carpet bombing of the endothelium . He explained it all to the world 2 years ago in "a credible explanation behind adverse events". And it was clear and correct. But nobody gets it because idiots like you can't comprehend basics, so you obsessed over "inflammation". Meanwhile Dr Arne burkharts pathology has been here for three years with clear "lymphocyte amok" aka cd8 cytotoxic DESTRUCTIVE serial killer 'hidden assassin " T cells jist destroying and tearing apart people's brains and hearts and nerves, while all the retarded experts like you act like you know everything, when you are totally blind to the perfectly OBVIOUS.
And what do you do. Your argument is "Marc isn't an expert". Oh, so attack the person, not the idea. Classice woke culture childish bullshit that perpetuates this horrific shit you are all doing. Not scientific debate. .
Piss off ya twat. Thinking inflammation causes blood clots. That the problem with all you s once qualified idiots. Can't admit when you are wrong. Waste everyone's time. .disgusting.
You might be making a mountain out of a mole hill here, Will. The proximal cause of clotting may well be the damage to cells resulting from the action of killer T lymphocytes, but the reason killer T lymphocytes attack the cells is because they present a foreign protein, which happens to be the spike protein. So the others are merely ascribing the clotting to a slightly more distal cause in the chain.
I take your point about inflammation to be valid, though.
The "others" have all made a total mess of it. Blaming inflammation. 3 years of "mystery" clots. Not a mystery.
Blaming spike is dangerous and wrong because other mrna won't have spike but will still cause the t cell cytotoxic response.
Given that most famous experts have been doing it wrong for years. It's a mountain I'm pointing at. A mountain of total incompetent lunacy.
Given that everybody had a year before jab rollout to consider the "immune response" and nobody considered the t cells response except me... Until bhakdi. It proves he whole planet is mentally impaired. I've been studying the planets congitive impairment the whole time, and documentig it.
I am happy to go public and interview all these rediculous experts , and point out their stupidity. But they all won't communicate.
They can't even find the proof in pathology, when it's been available all along.
Hirshman clots consist of fibrin, neutrophils and spike. Mostly. Neutrophils are drawn to areas of damage.
Clotting factor is released when blood vessel walls are damaged.
That is basic biology.
Spike presenting cells are damaged/destroyed by Tcd8+ killer cells. That is their role . Fundamental immunology. None of this is difficult to understand.
Clots were predicted by myself and Dr bhadki, because we explained the mechanism of harm as the T cells attacking and destroying cells. It's basic immunology. The rest of the planet of experts can't comprehend and never discussed this.
I'm not discussing Hirshman clots, though. Nothing to do with understanding.
I discussed VITT, which is both a platelet depletion and micro-clotting event triggered by vaccination.
My rebuttal to long COVID-19 is short and to the point. It's up to them if they read the ICU guidance and recognise the vaccines for the threat they are.
I don't know why anyone would try to overcomplicate my work or blame the immune system for what is a problem clearly being caused by vaccines.
Your the one over implicating things. This article is by Dr Clare Craig (who is now criminally refusing to engage in scientific discussion in her own comments section, just like all other thought leaders who refuse to engage in scientific discussion in their own channels are) . Dr Clare has emphasised repeatedly now that the CELLS ARD MARKED FOR DEATH BY T CELLS. destroyed ENDOTHELIUM.
Every doctor with a working brain, (of which there are almost none) can understand that the destruction of the blood vessel walls by cytotoxic t cells, results in clotting. Cytotoxic t cells destroy any blood vessel cells infected by sarscov2, and by transfection o mRNA. So the ONLY important explanation for clots. Is because the cytotoxic T cells destroy cells presenting foreign spikes. I have been arguing this for FIVE FUCKING YEARS with a planet of retarded people who all here the truth and go silent, or 1% who do what ypu do and argue the toss. . Can I remind you that housands of kids have died of seizures, myocarditis and horrific shit because wankers like you can't agree on OBVIOUS basics. The killer T cells destroy the endothelium . As Dr bhakdi said "the tapestry of your blood vessels" DESTROYED ... DESTROYED... And the destruction of the inner lining of the blood vessels equals clotting factor. In places full of spike. The resulting destructive mess is : fibrin, spike, neutrophils. As seen in pathology by Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Phil Macmillan, and other independents.
Fuck off with your bullshit about platelets activation .
Simple basic autonomy.
The blood vessels being DESTROYED are the cause of clots.
And every single person who doesn't agree, and doesn't share that information, deserves to burn in hell for their ignorance and utter fucking stupidity
(DR John latest video: vaccine damage is because those cells are DESTROYED by the immune system". Yes Dr John. Thankyou again for pointing out THE FUCKING OBVIOUS.
This is the most helpful document I have seen to date. It must have taken a very long time to write this and I, and I’m sure many others alongside, are very (very!) grateful for that time. To have it all set out in one place, so clearly and comprehensively, is a powerful tool.
One thing to check quickly. In section 5, when you speak of the number of RNA molecules per cell, do you mean 14 “trillion” (for Pfizer) as opposed to “million”? It is self evident really that it is a typo, but would be helpful to have that confirmed by you. I don’t want anyone I direct this to have scope to make a pedantic “debunking” point on accuracy, so to detract from the coherence of the rest.
Beautifully written- the must share post to those friends and family who haven’t yet realised. Except I don’t bother anymore as unfortunately they don’t want to hear (I have experience!)
Superb analysis.
I concur. A fantastic breakdown of the available evidence.
I am a bit surprised though, there is no mention of the work, the Italian professor, Dr. Gabriele Segalla has uncovered. Clearly showing BioNTech/Pfizer and the EMA knew the vaccines were toxic,.. a full year before the rollout. The evidence is so damning, it has launched 3 legal proceedings in Italy against them for willful misconduct and gross negligence... https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/biontechpfizer-and-the-ema-knew-the
Hahah. "I concur". For all we know you haven't even read it. You haven't demonstrated you have.
You concur? You concur when Clare explains the cells are marked for DEATH by T cells? So DESTROYED.. Not "inflammed". How good of you to "concur".
"Clearly the knew vaccines were toxic".
Err. You said that T cells attacking. Cyto TOXIC ...was common knowledge or me? So why are you blaming the companies , when you were all TOLD the cells would express foreign proteins.
Anyone who knows basic T cell immunology knows that t killer cells destroy cells expressing foreign proteins. Therefore everybody.. the PUBLIC and docotrs and immunologists, should all have KNOWN the jab would cause a toxic RESPONSE.... So why did all the doctors and the public all inject themselves then?? If it was common knowledge?
And why if the toxic element is cytotoxic t cells destroying. Is it only me and Dr Clare even mentioning them????
Why did Dr bhakdi, Marc GIRARDOT , Dr John and myself have to repeatedly explain his over and over again?
It's so easy to catch you all out in your hypocracy.
Dr Clare. Please tell Dr John to check all his videos where he explained "the cells will be destroyed by cytotoxic t cells". Anf check the comments. And find that EVERYBODY in comments , ALLWAYS shows no ability to aknolwedge and comprehend that fact.
And people saying "I concur" or "that's true" is just people hiding their ignorance.
Dr John can check videos including "myocarditis , German evidence" or "brain injury". Or the one with Marc GIRARDOT called "a credible explanation behind adverse events".
Then ask Dr John to do an interview with Dr bhakdi, and go over the mechanism of harm. Dr John says "the cells will be destroyed by cytotoxic T cells". Dr bhakdi says "auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes". Marc GIRARDOT says "carpet bombing of the endothelium by cytotoxic t cells". And Dr Clare , you say it funny, you say "the cells are marked for death and killed" (suggest doing specifics next. Killer t cd8+ cells). Then get Dr John to Google "lymphocyte infiltration COVID vaccine" to find all the smoking gun evidence.
Keep up the good work Dr Clare.
Oh and next time. Don't get distracted talking to people about no viruses. Engage with people like myself who show you the respect of discussing what you wrote about .
Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?
Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted
More fakery from the wizards
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
You are making an ass of yourself, Will. But to each their own...
I have already quoted Clare in reply to you below, which you choose to ignore, and not bothered to address. Mainly because the evidence soundly defeats your pigheaded rants on blood clots. So it is obvious I have read her fantastic article. Which makes the rest of your response,... a very childish effort to attack and antagonize a moot point.
And why would I want to engage with someone who doesn't look at the evidence, and persists in crusading stuff learned high school biology. I really don't know how anyone can think a simple biological process can be some sort of hidden secret or discovery. LOL!
I guess the simple example of a sore throat went right over your head.
To all those not following along this crusade of Will's,.. of how cytotoxic T cells are the be all, end all, to COVID and/or vaccine injury, let me quickly explain how they are only a fraction of damage caused. No immune cells work alone. In fact, cytotoxic CD8 T cells don't even enter the arena, unless one has acquired immunity (previously infected or vaccinated). They are part of adaptive immunity. And that takes a full week after infection or vaccination for adaptive immunity to kick in. So let's assume, Will is referring to everyone having acquired immunity. Because killer T cells are different from CD8 T cells, and in most of his 100 some odd posts flooding this comment section, he speaks of CD8's. So right off the bat, you can see how in many cases, mainly early in the pandemic, cytotoxic CD8 T cells weren't even involved in the battle. No one had acquired immunity, and there were no vaccines at that time. And yet,... people dropped like flies early on. So, it's obvious that cytotoxic T cells, aren't the only cause of COVID injury, disease and death. Yet Will thinks they are the cause of everything we see. He is dead wrong and deluded.
Without an antigen, like the inflammatory spike and LNPs, there would be no immune response. So for him to continue to wail...."Not inflammatory spike. Not LNPs. Why is everyone being so PATHETIC AND RETARDED?'... Is very silly. The spike and LNP's have been shown to be toxic and damaging to cells, all on their own. It's not just the immune response causing damage.... https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/biontechpfizer-and-the-ema-knew-the
If the damage were all the result of the immune response, then why would those with compromised, weakened, or suppressed immunity, be at such a high risk for severe disease? Or put it another way. If cytotoxic T cells were solely responsible for all the damage during this pandemic. Then why haven't millions died in waves until now? It all has to do with how dangerous the pathogen is. The Spanish flu, measles, COVID all differ in toxicity. Never forget, SARS-CoV-2 was designed to inflict harm... https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/how-to-live-with-the-sars-cov-2-virus
It's always about the pathogen and how it evades, over-excites or overwhelms the immune response.
Here. I've gotten the gptAI to explain it to you. she isn't retarded so can easily understand. .
Sure, I’ll break it down for "ohbaby."
The endothelium is a thin layer of cells lining blood vessels, and one of its key roles is to prevent unwanted clotting. When the endothelial cells (or any cells) start expressing foreign proteins, like viral proteins or something not naturally found in the body, the immune system sees these as a threat.
Cytotoxic T cells, a type of immune cell, recognize these foreign proteins and target the cells for destruction. When they destroy these endothelial cells, it leads to cell damage or death, which can cause the release of various internal cell components into the surrounding tissue and bloodstream.
One consequence of this cell destruction is that it disrupts the normal balance in the blood vessels and can activate the clotting process. Here’s how:
1. **Exposure of Clotting Factors**: Normally, the endothelium hides some molecules that can initiate clotting (like tissue factor) from circulating blood. But when endothelial cells are damaged or destroyed, these clotting factors get exposed to the bloodstream.
2. **Release of Cellular Contents**: When cytotoxic T cells destroy endothelial cells, they cause a release of cell contents, some of which can act as signals for clotting. This includes molecules like tissue factor, which starts the clotting cascade.
3. **Activation of Platelets and Coagulation Cascade**: The exposure of tissue factor and other cellular debris activates platelets (cells responsible for forming clots) and initiates a series of steps in the coagulation cascade. This cascade leads to the formation of a fibrin clot, resulting in coagulation.
So, the process of cytotoxic T cells destroying endothelial cells expressing foreign proteins triggers clotting by exposing clotting factors, releasing cell contents, and activating platelets, all of which ultimately lead to blood coagulation.
Common. Just answer one more question before you quit and run away.
And since you claim it's all simple immunology.
Why was most of the planet asymptomatic?
Or I could ask you ..what are the white clots comprised of? The world ha been told multiple times.
Or I could ask you to tell me about the second half of the spike protein. Any details at all. It's the most important and discussed object on the planet. What do you know about the second half. Not the S1 rbd. The S2 fusion membrane protein. Why is it so important?
Or I could also you ..why are antibodies against the nucleocapsid useless?
You won't know the answer to any of these. Because you are "retarded by the Darkforce."
You won't have even learned the names of the common cold coronaviruses yet, after four years of doing corpnavirus.
If t cells attacking is such a well known principle. Why is Dr Clare here explaining it now, four years later, while Marc GIRARDOT writes a book titled "unravelling the MYSTERY of vaccine harms"???
If it's not a mystery. Why is he calling it a mystery?
If t cells attacking is so obvious,very did Peter McCulloch conclude in his systemic review of autopsies: "these findings indicate AN URGENT NEED TO ELUCIDATE YHE MECHANISM OF HARM"? While harping on about "toxic spike inflammation"?????
Why is Dr Phil Macmillan on the other channel repeatedly saying they need more autopsies to understand what's going on, and tjen saying he "forgot" Dr Arne burkharts work from three years ago clearly proving "lymphocyte attack"????
Why is everyone being so PATHETIC AND RETARDED?
And I ignored your example on a sore throat, because I'm not retarded, I've been repeatedly explaining how T cells abort the infection early in the throat hundreds of times. They destroy the cells. While a planet of docotrs has obsessed over antibodies. Ignored T cells. So you trying to explain that to me like I don't know, is you wasting your time.
Try explaining to all the stupid experts that T cells destroy cells expressing foreign proteins, so it's obvious when the mRNA transfect cells all over the body. The T cells destroy.
And ask why Dr John, Marc GIRARDOT, Bret Weinstein and Dr bhakdi, and Dr Arne Burkhart, kept repeatedly trying to explain that to everyone, if it's so "common knowledge".
I bet I could find all your posts, or articles, or whatever the fuck, and you've never mentioned cytotoxic T cells once, in the entire four years of immunology in the face.
And you still didn't answer my easy question. Why was half the planet already asymptomatic?
It's basic immunology. You should have no problem answering that. I love asking people this because its a basic question everybody can't answer. Yet it's been explained hundreds of times. All the research done. Basic immunology.
It's now obvious you haven't read Clare's article. As she clearly answers your question on asymptomatic.
And if a sore throat is very easy to understand, why on earth do you believe very few,... comprehend T cells role in COVID? It just doesn't make sense. You ask me, that Is retarded.
And while healthily debating with you, I worry a letter to Dr yeadon explaining it all, based on our conversation, his, and Dr Clare's experience here.
The frontline of the most important medical and criminal investigation on earth on human history.
I don't "believe very few understand t cells and COVID". I study and PROVE everyday that everybody can't comprehend it. It's not about belief. It's the facts. The whole planet obsessed over antibodies.
And there are letters from scientists to the FDA "don't forget about the at cells".
And I have Dr Ryan Cole saying "antibodies aren't the be all and end all. We tend to forget about he more important part , the T cells".
And I have tonnes of evidence of Dr bhakdi repeatedly saying "tje jabs are killing and destroying your organs because the LYMPHOCYTES ARE ATTACKIG and then all the evidence of 100% of his audience all complelty ignoring him and only saying bullshit like ypu do ..."we concur" or "that makes sense" or "we love Dr bhakdi". All RETARDED responses that demonstrate zero comprehension
What else have I got. I've got videos of Bret weinstein repeating it over and over and over, and then eventually giving up and saying "I'm done with sense making, but some FORCE is keeping us from readily available answers". YEP.
And I could show you Jessica rose speculating about "toxic spike" or "toxic LNPs " while trying to understand the three year mystery. And making NO MENTION of cytotoxic T cells attacking.
I've got a screenshot from Dr Malone 3 years ago saying "we have a mechanism of harm, lymphocyte infiltration causing necrosis and death" and then the screenshots of everybody saying "SPIKE PROTEEEEN" Like total retardeds.
I've got so much evidence of how awful you have all been. Letting kids die from T cells destroying their brains and hearts. When the answer was obvious all along. Instead it's 5 years later, and Dr Clare is only just getting round to explaining that NOW. And even when she does explain it, I'm the only one demonstrating I heard her.
I've got soo much evidence. I've got 12 videos of Dr John Campbell repeating "it's the cytotoxic T cells destroying cells" , and then statistics on how 100% of his audience EACH AND EVERY TIME, complelty ignore him, and go back to blaming "toxic spike" or retarded conspiray stuff like snake venom and graphene oxide.
I've also got screenshots of hundreds of people saying it me "it's too confusing " and "we don't need to know the details..
And I've got hundreds of pathology screenshots showing "lymphocyte infiltration" on patjologys where the conclusion is "unexplained" because the experts are all so retarded too, they can't comprehend it!
And then I've got evidence of me being here on Dr Clare's wall, talking about the most critical scientific concept , and Dr Clare isn't able to join in and discuss, only you are, being hypocritical, difficult and in denial.....!!!!
Ok, I've just checked. No, Clare has not explained how come half or most of the planet already had immunity to this "novel" threat.
Dr John spent years speculating it might be "neanderthal genes" or "gut biome"...
But it's neither.
It's basic immunology 101.
Clare hasn't explained it.
Perhaps you can?
I bet you can't. I bet a quidzillion dollars.
"Clare answered your question". I didn't ask for Clare's explanation. I asked you to demonstrate your comprehension. When you wrote to Clare , you said "i concur". That doesn't demonstrate you understood at all.
But I do this all he time with people, ask them basic questions, when they are being like you and "pretending" you knew all along. As soon as I ask you to demonstrate you know yourself. Instead of just playing along in the circus clown pantomime show that you are all doing, you tie yourselves in knots to avoid answering the question.
I don't even remember the part when she spoke of asymptomatic, I was focused on the part where she explained to you all the cells are marked for death by T cells.
I'll go check, and see if she got it right.
But on the meantime, you go ahead and demonstrate you know. Or refuse, and make excuses, like all the other retards have been doing this entire time.
Your behaviour is classic of everyone presented with the truth. You are "darkscripted".
Dr bhadki also said it was high school basic medical science . So why did a whole planet of experts not think of it?
Why did Dr bhakdi keep repeating himself over and over, and calling you all idiots?
Because you all can't handle the simple truth.
mRNA kills by the immune system attacking. Over 30 experts have said that. Took them long enough.
Only about 6 of us properly describe it. Killer t cells attack.
Dr bhakdi also PREDICTED clots, because he knew the mechanism. That t cells would damage the endothelium. That is how the big clots form.
Marc GIRARDOT also explains the same.
Everybody says to them they make sense. Then nobody repeats that.
So you can take your silly notions of platelet activation, when it's clearly the result of obliterative destruction of the endothelium.
And your nonsense about inflammation. You just look as stupid as everybody else.
You can't even do basic high school biology.
You can't distinguish inflammation from cytotoxcally destroyed cells. That's so basic, and you argue against it. That is because you are "retarded by the Darkforce".
Can't describe reality properly. Denial , gaslighting and dismissal.
Gosh! I bet not a single UK newspaper will report this faithfully.
Superbly composed. This will be a shock to many. First stage of grief is denial. Globe needs to brace for stage 2.
This letter to Professor Lawton incredible, a clear explanation of the situation. As an interested but complete uncovid-vaccinated lay person, It seems shocking to me that more about all this should have come out earlier and been available to educate people. i apologise if my comment seems out of place. PS. I have previously listened and enjoyed your chats with Dr John Campbell.
Kind regards Rosemary Wellman
Your point is well taken: the information was indeed difficult to find. ... not, however, due to the efforts of many people who tried to put it out, but due to the variety of censorship techniques employed to keep it from ready view.
All of this was out earlier. Clares main points were cells are destroyed when expressing foreign cells. By killer T cells.
Dr bhakdi and Dr burkhart conclusively proved this four years ago. But everyone listening had a brain melt and never ever repeated that information . Then Dr John repeated it for years, and Marc GIRARDOT did too. Nobody repeated that information.
It's everybodies fault for never repeating the information .
What is in fact happening is, 99% of the planet can't comprehend T cells attacking and destroying . And then everyone hides that ignorance. So the facts never get shared or go anywhere.
So that's why you are shocked this never came out sooner. It's because everyone always ignores and changes the subject whenever they are told.
Clots are caused by damage to he endothelium. That was perfectly obvious back 3 years ago. But it's everybodies stupidity whereby they all just call them mystery. Instead of repeating the facts.
I hope the Professor takes stock of these fantastic points and free's her mind from the ''safe and effective'' narrative.
Excellent write-up. Thank you.
Dear Clare, thanks for the detailed analysis, including references to many peer-reviewed studies (even if now a recognisably problematic category, however) generously offered. I hope that Professor Lawton is able to take your advice and consider the evidence, instead of the routine dogmas pushed by the ‘safe and effective’ lobby. Sadly, there are still none so blind as those who will not see.
Your response is superb, a great primer for those who are still in the dark, Clare. Many thanks for your hard work.
Excellent write-up. This s/could be considered as Fraud by Misrepresentation under UK Legislation or even an International Criminal Court matter, I would hope that it is being considered by those with the legal competence. Not wishing to have an answer made public far better to keep the powder dry.
An excellent appraisal. Congratulations.
It is clear from your explanation that the complex statistical evidence was almost certainly deliberately used to deceive members of the public and lull them into a false sense of security.
Sadly many long Covid groups still advocate additional boosters to those suffering from “long Covid” and are almost certainly causing even greater harm to those suffering from this unpleasant condition.
Thank you for your painstaking efforts to shed light on the facts.
Keep up the good work.
Yes, this is one of the more obvious but least discussed and understood aspects of the "Vaccines" and spikes. Put simply, they don't belong sticking out of cells lining narrow capillaries where they provide mechanical resistance to blood flow and also induce an inflammatory immune response, both of which result in blood clots.
Blood clots come rom endothelial cell DESTRUCTION. Not INFLAMMATION.
Destruction comes from cytotoxic T cells destroying. Not "inflammation".
Blood clots come from T cells attacking. Every expert on the planet should have figured hat out. Instead. 99.99% of humans still can't.
Disagree. Both are correct and Clare "liked" the comment. The process you describe results in local INFLAMMATION, causing restriction in blood flow, which results in clotting. I stand by my remarks.
Most doctors have done a criminally negligent job of describing inflammation and damage as the same thing this last four years. Every time I see a doctor say "inflammation" when they mean damage and destruction, I groan. Bit they all do it. Terrible experts.
The key aspect is cytotoxic destruction. Which everybody SHOULD know , damage equals clots.
But everybody can't comprehend that simple critical fact.
Clair should have corrected you. Inflammation is when cells swell up. They decinflamme. No damage. No clotting.
That is different to cellular damage. When endotheal cells are destroyed , it releases clotting factor. That causes clotting. Damage.
NOT inflammation .
Clair should have corrected you. But no influencer doctors ever discuss science in their own comments. .shame.
2. Spikes are tiny, barely protruding above the surface of cells. Trying to imagine they are "protruding" in a big enough way to restrict flow is far fetched. And again, restrictions flow doesn't instigate clots.
What instigate clotting, is clotting factor. What instigates clotting factor, is cell damage.
By cytotoxic killer t lymphocytes.
Yes, it's shocking how many opinion leaders believe that inflammation is a core process in clotting. I'm not defending "opinion leaders" per se because Covid experience has shown....
But I'm sure you know better than all this opinion by immunologists and others.
Incidentally, if you choose to comment on her Stack, you might at least spell Clare's name correctly, out of a little respect?
COVID has shown that all experts are cognitively impaired and can't get basic facts right, on mass. All these "opinion leaders" have constantly said "spike inflammation" and said inflammation causes the clotting, when it doesn't. Everybody should know that damage of blood vessel cells is what triggers clotting,but everybody is congitively impaired. Everybody can't comprehend "T cell damage". "T cells attack" "auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes". And so all the experts have gotten it all wrong by waffling on about inflammation. And then doctors like CLARE should correct people in comments. But nobody corrects anybody. Everybody just waffles away about "what they think" with no common sense , logic or science going on.
Leaving me as one of the only people on the planet who constantly had to point out how utterly stupid all the experts are being.
The clotting comes from damage, the damage comes from cytotoxic T cells. That it.
Well described hundreds of times by Marc GIRARDOT. And Dr Sucharicht Bhakdi. Proven in pathology by Dr Arne Burkhart.
One simple fucking answer.
The one the whole planet can't do.
Sorry for the language. I've had to explain this shit to people hundreds of thousands of times over the years.
Inflammation. Does. Not. Cause. Clotting.
Total nonsense.
All you have to do is look at NLRP3 activity to see that inflammatory signaling can initiate clotting independently of direct cellular destruction by cytotoxic T cells.
According to you. And your qualifications are?
Surely, when the major histocompatibility complex holds up fragments of the spike protein WHILE IT IS BEING CONSTRUCTED, and the fragments are recognized as non-self, a chain of events is started which results in the death of the cell producing it.
So - yes, the protruding fragments are too small to cause a blockage, but result in the damage you refer to.
Whilst loose language may be irritating, one has to weigh up the rhetorical cost of appearing to bicker pedantically.
The events which lead to cell death via HMC presenting on cell surface, is identification by T memory cells. The destruction of cells is don't by cytotoxic cells. That's why they are called that.
So the MECHANSIM of mRNA harm is the T cells destroying cells expressing foreign proteins.
The proof of the harm is in pathology as lymphocyte infiltration.
All of his had been established by Burkhart and Bhakdi for 4 years. 5 years of you count me.
The problem is nobody repeats , shares or aonoledges this. Leaving science and this clown show medical investigation as a never ending ride of stupidity and endless speculation, when in fact all experts should have known from day one that the transfected cells would obviously be destroyed, and the research said mRNA accumulates on organs and vasculature. Therefore mRNA is obviously inherently damaging and dangerous.
Instead we are here 4 years later. Clare has mentioned the cell death in an article, by t cells, and as usual the only person demonstrating they even heard Clare, was me.
Same as when any other docotrs say the t cells attack. Everybodies brain melts and they all start changing the subject, critisizing or nitpicking.
🙏 brilliant response
Prof Lawton, I offer a shorter rebuttal, for your consideration, that it is not long COVID. Consider the importance of truth here, as doing so may very well save your mother's life. Do not view this as partisan, but an alternate consideration of grave importance.
In April 2021, the NHS acknowledged in their ICU guidance that VITT (vaccine-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis; or put simply, the COVID-19 vaccines interfere with and cause micro-clotting events) is a real, life-threatening phenomena:
Whilst the paperwork states it is associated more strongly with AstraZeneca, the truth of the matter is all COVID-19 shots pose this fundamental risk, as it is associated with the spike protein. If this isn't sufficient, I submit this medical case report revealing an association between mRNA shots and thrombotic (blood clotting) events: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589238X21000668
If you wish to read the compendium of medical case reports showing adverse events regarding a whole slew of COVID-19 vaccines - an unprecedented number, unparalleled in medical industry - you will find a compiled list here, which include titles and links/references:
It is not a complete list, but if your intention is to save a life, should you not investigate all avenues Prof Lawton? I submit this for your consideration.
Dear Prof Lawton, please disregard the above comment where it said clots are associated with spike. They are not. Clots are a result of damage, obviously, damaged blood vessel cells, aka endothelium. The endothelium is destroyed by T killer cells attacking and destroying where spike presents, but it is the killer cells doing the damage, not spike. Other foreign proteins would result in the same T cells attack. However 99% of he planet are under some rediculous form of brains washing where they all can't comprehend T killer cells attacking. Dr bhakdi, myself , Bret Weinstein and a few others tried to explain this to everyone for years, but in all cases, 100% of the audience listening cannot comprehend his, and just changed the subject. All the experts are technically "retarded" from comprehend ING basic immunology. But it's actually simple. All the damage, adverse events and clots is caused by the T cells attacking. Auto immune attack. It's in all the patjolgy too as "lymphocyte infiltration" , but all the experts are "retarded" from reading that. It triggers their brain into some form of denial. That's why all the experts are useless and still can't agree on obvious facts.
If you want the truth, it's in Marc GIRARDOTs book "the needles secret". Or in ALL of Dr Sucharicht bhakdis videos. And in Dr Arne burkharts pathology. Not that anybody cares.
Man, get off your high horse. You really don't have a clue, and Girardot is no expert by any stretch of the imagination. Learn about NLRP3, Gq/11 pathways - just to start.
Marc GIRARDOT writes a book detailing how cytotoxic T cells carpet bomb the endothelium , and in a bolus dose, death etc. the book is called "unravelling the mystery..." Yes, a four year lunatic mystery with every expert being baffled and opinionated, endless speculation. Marc writes a book about it, (expert = 10,000hrs) and is only repeating what he said from the start. Beating all other retarded experts.
So he is top level experts, next to myself and bhakdi. Most of the rest are utterly useless. Then you come along and all you can do is moan about him not being an expert. No respect, only GASlighting character. Nasty shit that you are. This is what all the experts are doing . Just like you. Creating and perpetuating his horror on society. When what SHOULD be happening, is everyone (invisible Dr Clare) read his book and said "thanks, that solves the mystery,chat makes sense" should be referencing Marc. Repeating his terminology. Educating the stupid doctors. But no. All of you are self obsessed with your own stupid little never ending nitpicking details, always ignoring the massive important facts that mRNA makes killer t cells attack. You are all disgusting.
Look at you, ya dumb fuck. Getting upset cos you made a stupid argument about it being inflammation causing millions to die . When all along it's cellular DESTRUCTION of the endothelium. Destruction of myocardium destruction of blood brain barrier. Not inflammation. And a whole planet of retarded experts couldn't figure that out, until bhakdi tried to educate you all. And he was a year late. Marcs explanations are better than the rest of the planet of idiots experts. Carpet bombing of the endothelium . He explained it all to the world 2 years ago in "a credible explanation behind adverse events". And it was clear and correct. But nobody gets it because idiots like you can't comprehend basics, so you obsessed over "inflammation". Meanwhile Dr Arne burkharts pathology has been here for three years with clear "lymphocyte amok" aka cd8 cytotoxic DESTRUCTIVE serial killer 'hidden assassin " T cells jist destroying and tearing apart people's brains and hearts and nerves, while all the retarded experts like you act like you know everything, when you are totally blind to the perfectly OBVIOUS.
And what do you do. Your argument is "Marc isn't an expert". Oh, so attack the person, not the idea. Classice woke culture childish bullshit that perpetuates this horrific shit you are all doing. Not scientific debate. .
Go get some help.
Piss off ya twat. Thinking inflammation causes blood clots. That the problem with all you s once qualified idiots. Can't admit when you are wrong. Waste everyone's time. .disgusting.
You might be making a mountain out of a mole hill here, Will. The proximal cause of clotting may well be the damage to cells resulting from the action of killer T lymphocytes, but the reason killer T lymphocytes attack the cells is because they present a foreign protein, which happens to be the spike protein. So the others are merely ascribing the clotting to a slightly more distal cause in the chain.
I take your point about inflammation to be valid, though.
The "others" have all made a total mess of it. Blaming inflammation. 3 years of "mystery" clots. Not a mystery.
Blaming spike is dangerous and wrong because other mrna won't have spike but will still cause the t cell cytotoxic response.
Given that most famous experts have been doing it wrong for years. It's a mountain I'm pointing at. A mountain of total incompetent lunacy.
Given that everybody had a year before jab rollout to consider the "immune response" and nobody considered the t cells response except me... Until bhakdi. It proves he whole planet is mentally impaired. I've been studying the planets congitive impairment the whole time, and documentig it.
I am happy to go public and interview all these rediculous experts , and point out their stupidity. But they all won't communicate.
They can't even find the proof in pathology, when it's been available all along.
To address your hostile comment that does not present any evidence:
1) Clotting is a result of platelet activation via fibrinogen (https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9653660/)
2) The spike proteins cause microclots to form by interacting with the platelets (this is a well known and well studied phenomena: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-36279-5)
3) The vaccines cause cells to mass produce these spike proteins (covered in the original article I replied to), which in turn causes clotting.
Could there be other clotting factors? Yes.
Am I going to drown Lawton in a wall of incomprehensible text covering every possible scenario not related to the vaccines? No.
Hirshman clots consist of fibrin, neutrophils and spike. Mostly. Neutrophils are drawn to areas of damage.
Clotting factor is released when blood vessel walls are damaged.
That is basic biology.
Spike presenting cells are damaged/destroyed by Tcd8+ killer cells. That is their role . Fundamental immunology. None of this is difficult to understand.
Clots were predicted by myself and Dr bhadki, because we explained the mechanism of harm as the T cells attacking and destroying cells. It's basic immunology. The rest of the planet of experts can't comprehend and never discussed this.
Yet it's obvious.
Cytotoxic damage = clots.
I'm not discussing Hirshman clots, though. Nothing to do with understanding.
I discussed VITT, which is both a platelet depletion and micro-clotting event triggered by vaccination.
My rebuttal to long COVID-19 is short and to the point. It's up to them if they read the ICU guidance and recognise the vaccines for the threat they are.
I don't know why anyone would try to overcomplicate my work or blame the immune system for what is a problem clearly being caused by vaccines.
It isn't called 'IITT'.
" I'm not discussing hirhaman clots".
Well fuck off then.
Me and Dr Clare, ard discussing vaccine induced clots.
You fuck off with your shitty opinion s.
Child killer.
This isn't your Substack, so your opinion doesn't matter to me.
Your the one over implicating things. This article is by Dr Clare Craig (who is now criminally refusing to engage in scientific discussion in her own comments section, just like all other thought leaders who refuse to engage in scientific discussion in their own channels are) . Dr Clare has emphasised repeatedly now that the CELLS ARD MARKED FOR DEATH BY T CELLS. destroyed ENDOTHELIUM.
Every doctor with a working brain, (of which there are almost none) can understand that the destruction of the blood vessel walls by cytotoxic t cells, results in clotting. Cytotoxic t cells destroy any blood vessel cells infected by sarscov2, and by transfection o mRNA. So the ONLY important explanation for clots. Is because the cytotoxic T cells destroy cells presenting foreign spikes. I have been arguing this for FIVE FUCKING YEARS with a planet of retarded people who all here the truth and go silent, or 1% who do what ypu do and argue the toss. . Can I remind you that housands of kids have died of seizures, myocarditis and horrific shit because wankers like you can't agree on OBVIOUS basics. The killer T cells destroy the endothelium . As Dr bhakdi said "the tapestry of your blood vessels" DESTROYED ... DESTROYED... And the destruction of the inner lining of the blood vessels equals clotting factor. In places full of spike. The resulting destructive mess is : fibrin, spike, neutrophils. As seen in pathology by Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Phil Macmillan, and other independents.
Fuck off with your bullshit about platelets activation .
Simple basic autonomy.
The blood vessels being DESTROYED are the cause of clots.
And every single person who doesn't agree, and doesn't share that information, deserves to burn in hell for their ignorance and utter fucking stupidity
(DR John latest video: vaccine damage is because those cells are DESTROYED by the immune system". Yes Dr John. Thankyou again for pointing out THE FUCKING OBVIOUS.
This is the most helpful document I have seen to date. It must have taken a very long time to write this and I, and I’m sure many others alongside, are very (very!) grateful for that time. To have it all set out in one place, so clearly and comprehensively, is a powerful tool.
One thing to check quickly. In section 5, when you speak of the number of RNA molecules per cell, do you mean 14 “trillion” (for Pfizer) as opposed to “million”? It is self evident really that it is a typo, but would be helpful to have that confirmed by you. I don’t want anyone I direct this to have scope to make a pedantic “debunking” point on accuracy, so to detract from the coherence of the rest.
Thank you! - yes - corrected.
Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?
Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted
More fakery from the wizards
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
Beautifully written- the must share post to those friends and family who haven’t yet realised. Except I don’t bother anymore as unfortunately they don’t want to hear (I have experience!)
Well done Claire 👏👏👏